BipolarSilence’s brother’s friend definitely said this, trust me.
To me the problem is if we can’t fix something as simple as egg prices, how will we fix something as complicated as housing?
In the grand scheme of things eggs still aren’t that expensive but they’re an indicator that things are much more broken than most people realize
Yes. This. Resolution is already high enough for everything, expect maybe wearables (i.e. VR goggles).
HDMI 2.1 can already handle 8k 10-bit color at 60Hz and 2.2 can do 240Hz.
HN is full we don’t need more people
The post was about the futures which are down a whopping 1.6%
So yeah, market might open at the same price it did last week.
The Left seems to be made of up a bunch of different coalitions that can’t agree on the priorities to enact. People are for something but they can’t agree on what.
The Right seems to be made up of a bunch of different coalitions that can’t agree on the priorities to repeal. People are against something but can’t agree on what. They also have Nazis.
This statement is in violation of the Oracle terms of service and end user agreement.
I used to be an atheist. I still am but I also used to be.
Right now they probably don’t. Get people talking about how great they are so they get new customers. Then 3 months becomes 1 month and interest doubles. Dont worry they’ll make their money
I disagree!
Vision problems? History of seizures? We must be neighbors because you just described, what I assume, is afflicting nearly all the drivers in my area
Yes, this is incredibly well known.