And when I’ve talked to those a fair amount older than me, and they tell me how my "nice" is incredibly sad and denuded and dead by the standards of what they remember… The short memory of mankind, our brief lifespans.
thanks to the catalyst of human influence
My peripheral vision wisely read that as "cataclysm".
Different cases, like I might see a seed pod from something going to seed and think there are various blank patches of ground around that could use a little life and feed a pollinator. Or once or twice I’ve seen very old vegetable seed packets languish in Little Free Libraries and wondered whether they might be at least given a chance out in the world somewhere. Or fruit fallen from trees or seeds or pits from ones I’ve eaten that could take their place out there.
But I don’t have experience, and would have to wing it based mostly on how hospitable somewhere looks for wet/dryness.
(With it of course being understood that if you put it in someone’s yard, they will be pissed at you, and if you put something not from here that wants to take over, it will take over and that’s not for the best.)
They have trained you all your life to blame the victims.