...finding two devices constructed of 50-milliliter vodka bottles with gray cloth affixed
"You get what you pay for"
"Chinese artist"
¿Por qué no los dos?, lol
Tacky, but also the artwork is just flat-out terrible. The ear is sliding down his neck (which, if it were the one hit might make more sense?), and his eye socket is too high and too far forward. Undoubtedly a case of, "you get what you pay for".
Sorry I didn't get back there for a bit, but here's a pic of the opposite end of the aisle from today.
Neither mention butter.
Unless they consider it a "chilled bev", lol.
Not sure what the stores are like where you live, but this one (a larger Safeway in a major metro area) has 8-10 cold storage units spread around the entire place.
Some smaller (eggs and yogurt in one, salsas, hummus and dips in another) and some (like this one) entire aisles.
Being ignorant of the facts while asserting, "You're dumb" is rich, but also sadly par for the course in online discussions.
It's often the case, as it was here, that finding an available employee is a similarly challenging and time-consuming proposition.
Problem is, there were like 8 different refrigerated sections. Milks and juices. Dairy, including cheeses and yogurts (which is where I was fully expecting it to be and which I went back to multiple times). Meats. Desserts and puddings. Salsas, dips and such. And several others. I think I just walked by the alcohol aisle repeatedly thinking, "Well, I know it's not down that one".
I had a bag from the list in my fridge, so appreciate the heads-up!
Rage Against The Manager