I see what they do when they are given a chance. They do the same tax cuts for the rich and fund genocides. It isn't just republicans that got us into this mess, they are working together for the same rich donators. Thinking they can be your allies is most dangerous thing you can do in politics.
To be honest, when you have half of the year filled with such long nights and it is generally cold, depression isn't really going to be as rare as in some more sunny countries.
As for the nazzis, yeah, there is a trend in that. I think many voters get racist because of capitalism gets them in difficult economic situation and they fear migrants will take their jobs. And migrants are there in the first place because their regions got destroyed by wars for oil and CIA funded terrorist groups and global warming. So both wars and global warming are due to oil companies .And both difficult economic situations of the citizens and prioritization of profit for oil companies are due to capitalism. So overall, this is simply how capitalism works. It is a feature, not a bug. Without getting rid of capitalism, we will never be able to solve these issues.
That is perfectly fine. You don't need to force people to live in a house if they don't want to. But kinda hard not to want to be in a warm house during freezing Finland winters.
There is no good government. You either have direct democracy or bad government.
I don't know the exact way they are enforcing this, but if there are still homeless people then either there are some preconditions to apply or people want to be homeless or government can't afford to house everyone.
In the first case, preconditions shouldn't exist, everyone deserves to not freeze to death. In the second case, there is no real problem, if someone doesn't want to live in a house, than they should be allowed to not live in a house. And in third case, you can't have millioners and billioners and tell the country you just don't have money to house the homeless, tax them and build homes.
That sounds like an excuse for him. He is a drug addict, he doesn't really have a choice. First you get people of the streets, then you give them treatment for drugs. People in high stress situations are far more likely to get and stay addicted.
Better then representitve democray, worse then fully direct democracy.