the link is down, can you fix it? i just read that they’re desperate to meet me
brought back very dark memories
what’s next, hiding airplanes in the clouds?
code: return isPersonAStudent()
manager in code review: WHY NO DOCUMENTATION!!??
sooo…you’re saying I’m right
underarmour and adidas shorts and gym clothes for starters, $20 to $30 per unit this year, i bought some for $5 two years ago
the inflation percentage is for the whole economy but seems low for consumer items like tech and clothing which i’d think is what drives black friday, most of those items are up 100% to 200% which would really make a loss yoy with someone clever trying to promote optimism.
is this some kind of oxymoron, kudos for the creativity though but unless the job is photography I don’t see the relevance
i thought that was rule 34 from fight club
if you become a millionaire with that phrase “aesthetic guidance” let me get 5% of the royalties 😉
well, you will become an expert on what you’re interested on. Reason goes back to the problem of who to believe because is based on facts. When you know all the facts you’ll know what’s reasonable, if you have the knowledge. But who can know all the true facts?
developer: look at my beautiful code
tester: look at the beautiful 783 defects I just found