I have a better alternative: invest in viable alternatives to driving! expand protected bike lanes, build the damn high speed rail, more trains, trams and bus lines. One more asphalt lane for cars wont solve traffic problems :)
Hopefully Deep Funding becomes popular enough that it no longer becomes a problem
ill have to recommend buying old refurbished printers
thank you very much, it worked really well
I didn't even think about adding yt stuff to Plex. Thanks for mentioning it, I'll go into that rabbit hole now
That sounds good, I'll give it a watch as well
That's a shame, I would have loved to keep using those thorns and eths. Quite weird to think that they didn't even want to ask for a few customs pieces for those letters.
Found a solution, thanks to Bigsleep62:
"I solved this problem by going to settings -> system -> sound, then under "Advanced" click "Volume Mixer," then at the bottom press "Reset sound devices..." Windows 10"
It worked for me on Windows 11 too
Which emulator are you using for ps2?
Oh, I agree that mass transit wouldn't really work in areas that aren't as dense, but we should definitely have those where possible. I didn't mean to say we don't need good car options, but we should also have more options besides just cars
Now regarding bikes and winter, I'd say that's more of an infrastructure problem. Finland also has terrible winter, yet they can bike as usual. You should watch this video if you are interested in this theme: "Why Canadians Can't Bike in the Winter (but Finnish people can)"