
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I mean.. yiu can sometimes potentiallydonate some of your skin, in tthe organ donation sense of donation, to be used for treating burn victims and that sort fo injury,

. and yiu could imagine some pharmaceutical Corp may want to buy some too.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

"When I die, I don’t give a shit what happens to my body, do whatever causes people and the planet the least ammount of crap. "

on that note, some links that may be useful or relevant:

as well as:


💀 🌱 🌳 🌲 🌳 🌲 🌳 🌲

and,some. things in reulation to planning ahead,, directives, wills and such death related documents (I guess this one may also then be relevant to /u/ ) :

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I don't know about that one, bit I know of a somewhat similar option. Yiu can. in so. e states, havarranhe to Hove your body wrapped in a... fabric shroud, amd laid into a .. vat filled with organic material, usually woodchils and the like(wood hips are sometimes consodered a waste or a garbage product) , then after after a few weeks you ahve compost or soil basically, that can be used for land conseravtion ect.

I might add, to yiur point, that representatives of the Catholic church have repeatedly opposed this posted etah option from becoming avakabke, on the ground that get this they considerit to be undignified', (granted, they're just about the only ones who take thatbosition, one they know moanybof the detail and context, but it's a substantial and influential organisation), and then random passerby who doesn't know anything other about the process than a sensational news headline on might well condiser it undignified too, in the moment anyway.

And of course, you could consider it to be as if you had arranged for your foture corpse to be turned into literal dirt, dirt, and then what could be more gloriously u dignified than that.

... more on that subject at: and at (I shiuld warn, neigher of these resources make the process sound or look larocularky undignified, but then these things are a matter of perspective after all, in some ways)

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

in general, agreed on the point about coffins, and using land just for butial into perpetuity is not a great tradition.

If and where it's just about the use of a box, and/or about the using of land space solely for burial, then one other option they can adress bith of these is 'green conservation butkal'.

The land is used for nature and ecosystem restoration and conservation at the same time, and there is no box/coffin required at all. They can also sometimes be less expensive than conventional burial (with the box and the embalming and so on) or even conventional cremation. Some more about the subject at:

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

you know, I was thinkingaabout purpose made carborad caskets, and they do exit, but reusing a fridge box seems like an even more fun idea if thats something that appeal to loving peron planning thir future funeral a More eco friendly, and more evonomical as yiu metión. 📦

also a shout out to the idea of shorids, in that cade case a clean old beafheet of the right size and material, will probanly work just as well as any shroud, for a burial. (For some some burial grounds, no box needed, just a shroud is perfectly fine. basically a fabric sheet wrapping. low cost it potentially free)

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

cardboard caskets definately do exist, I've seen them mentioned by morticians, and advertised, and they don't neccecarily look or work badly. then there are woven willow basket type caskets.

And then, this one is perhaps most similar to you the option you cite as a preference, there's the classic shroud. basically some plain woven fabric that the bidy is wrapped in. the lightest, lest resource intensive, and likely lest expensive body covering for a funeral, that i can think of. shrouds seem popular in green and natural butials, as well as a number of religious burials, and they have a history of sucessfully us that goes back some way it seems.

It's not neccecarily quite the same as used carpet, but you could probably arrange for a plain second hand sheet, or an old curtain perhaps, for your funeral if you wanted. Just make sure its biodegradable and large enough to cover a body, and you should be good (actually if you can find old carpet that meets those conditions, they might just accept that too, probably wnat to check with the burial grind staff ahead of time though).

In quite a similar spirit, perhaps, anyway. Then, with a coevring picked out, you'll probably wnat a local green or natural burial ground, as the likeliest place for a burial place that's up for that style of burial and coffin alternative.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

some places have some level of test, or anyways interview or vetting, before becoming a childcare worker, or befire adoption. that could be seen as somethkng similar to described.

of course,multiple jurisdictions also make even accessing contraception, far more difficut that it should be, with all sorts of tests ands barriers in the way. I guess that's the opposite of, in one sense, of whats proposed perhaps.


And, yeah, don't do eugenics, . do, however, make contraception and scientificallya accurate sex ed, freely and widely avalable.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Break the cycle,if you'd like to, and go /c/childfree (community reoated links also at✨

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

did the 2me42me4meirl (i may have misspelled that) community migrate to lemmy? if so, that sounds like a story that might fit there.

depending on the stiry, it could also fit in somewhere like the' raised by narcissists' community/support-group.

withe way, good practice would still probably be to add a content warming first, if you do decide to share that story somewhere.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

... "So, yeah. Don’t have a baby in America..."

for more on this subject, and in the spirit of looking on the bright side of s bad situation, see /c/childfree and Includes talk, and memes, about some of the benefits, of not having children, including but not limited to finances. (also advice and directories about related options for medical things, where thise are wanted or needed).

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

on a related, but perhaps lighter note, : if anyone wants to hear a tale, involving a worker that succeeds in quitting an exploitative job, and goes off to do something better with their time, you might watch/listen to : (and to link to the post thurther, the setting for the somewhat dystopia start of this story, as for the post above , is also in India. )

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

for the /a human equivalent, of getting oneself neutered, sort of,... where was I going withtthis... oh yes, /c/childfree is on lemmy now. And there's (includes link to the lemmy and github,... includong data for thise intrested in getting medical pracedutres done rot that themselves).

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