Reddit weighed things according to total amount of karma the poster had. afaik Lemmy doesn't have that feature
there's a good reason it isn't balanced
bruh then just shut the fuck up and keep scrolling
OP used a selfie for the 3rd pic
your last sentence still sums up wow players decades later
yeah, exclusives are the big one for me. I choose to game on PC because it's less bullshit. exclusives decidedly fall into the bullshit category and the EGS is full of them
still asking too much, I'll keep sailing the seas if that's how much it costs. Plex and jellyfin currently fill this role for free
my provincial government finally started cracking down on Airbnb's this summer. can't say I'm going to miss them
this comment section reads like a twitter exchange and it's fucking mind numbing
no - I think you're taking the name of the product too literally. it's a really strong adhesive. you can use it to fill small holes since it hardens like a mfer
you can buy liquid nails at like any home depot type of store
I must have missed when they announced review copies would be distributed on Friday?