
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Might want to crosspost to !, just to inject some life into that community.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

They spoiled:

  • red kale
  • fermented fruit juice
  • fermented strawberry jam
  • pumpkin jam
  • sourdough

but it’s unclear which led to possible benefits. With jams I would just scoop out the unexpected organisms and eat the rest. Maybe that’s not even necessary.


Running this gives the geometry but not the density:

$ identify -verbose myfile.pgm | grep -iE 'geometry|pixel|dens|size|dimen|inch|unit'

There is also a “Pixels per second” attribute which means nothing to me. No density and not even a canvas/page dimension (which would make it possible to compute the density). The “Units” attribute on my source images are “undefined”.


[–] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

When the hard-working little swimmers encounter the thicker vaginal mucus, their path is slowed. So the sperm often join together at their heads, which gives them greater swimming speed (up to 50 percent faster) than if they were to carry on individually.

I wonder why that is. If a group of people were to join together and run, the speed of the group would be capped by the slowest runner. And aerodynamics would be worse.