
joined 9 months ago
[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Three of the figurines have articulated heads, causing them to resemble modern toy dolls. The authors suggest they were a kind of ancient puppet, positioned into a scene, or "tableau," undoubtedly meant to convey a message that is now lost.

Some important context.

[–] 31 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I had an Apple Watch for a while. I used it to track my steps and workouts and to monitor some notifications. Once in forever I’d pick up a call on it because my hands were full.

Eventually I realized I never actually DID anything with the fitness info, the notifications were annoying and stressful, and the times I’d use it as a communicator I could count on one hand.

When the battery finally started dying I couldn’t justify the expense of a new one.

The thing actively made my life worse!

[–] 13 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Real question here… I keep seeing people say this, but what are the concessions that Canada and Mexico “gave” that they were already doing? I couldn’t find anyone mention it in the post.

[–] 8 points 5 months ago

It's REALLY good.

[–] 19 points 8 months ago

Pains me to say I agree with you. Biden with that slack jawed confused look, looking down, off into nothing, barely moving. This is Nixon/Kennedy debate x 100.