
joined 8 months ago
[–] 6 points 8 months ago

Linux has come along way, there was a time just getting Linux to run, and then to run apps on it was just unmanageable. I mean, you could do it but most people wouldn't want to compile the kernel. Nor would they know where to start to do that, coming from Windows XP or even 7. They'd ask, what's a kernel, and all you had was a terminal, and I assume the terminal wasn't as user friendly as it is now back then but idk about that.

Windows use to just work out of the box, Microsoft used to care back then because in my opinion they were just trying to sell the idea of just using a computer to people. Now that they got people using computers, most with Windows on it then they go to the next phase, make money. The product is less of a concern, but they want to make money off their users.

You can expect Windows to be more modern and up to date on corporate trends, but not so what you want as a user. They aren't trying to sell computers and operating systems any more, they already got people hooked to using their os, that's what they probably cared about back then.

[–] 6 points 8 months ago

I know that more kids play video games daily then most adults that work and pay bills, which is besides the point. Most of the time it seems youngers use Discord to communicate then Twiter, when playing games, be regardless of what things might seem.

By removing Twitter from major gaming platforms would make Twitter less relevant to that market which is a lot, over time. It will almost look like Myspace in a sense. (not necessarily that Twitter would be closed down but just that they likely aren't likely going to be using it even willingly, over something like Discord or Instagram.

[–] 30 points 8 months ago (4 children)

I think that by having all major console makers abandoning Twitter, that it will keep Twitter / X away from the majority of the younger generations. (which I think would be a good things for those wanting to protect your kids from the content that's allowed to free spread on there.)

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

The idea i'm proposing isn't to give up on physical media, but to make better physical media with modern technology. Blue ray using disk technology requires a laser disk. But imagine if they made like SD cards, or USB drives that were read only with just the movie on it. (sd cards would be better.) that's the type of changes i'm looking for, something more modern. More practical for a typical modern day.

They could essentially get rid of the media player to reduce the ewaste (by not needing an extra device just to physically watch a movie) as you mention and make the physical media accessible on devices that support the format like laptops, computers certian smartphones. (Which I didn't want them to not have their own device as it gives more power to tech giants, but that would aim to address your ewaste concerns.)

Blueray and DVD players are both quite ewaste intensive and do less things for the user then say a PC or smartphone that would do better for the user.

If you think about it, blueray was made when playing ps3 or ps4 quality games on a portable device was a dream to many. It;s a very outdated physical technology. and very desperately needs a physical upgrade. Physical hardware could easily be better but it's not in the industries interest to innovate in physical media because they all want to essentially be cable tv over again with streaming.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

While Blueray can do Hd, and maybe even 4k pretty well. Higher video qualities like 8k or 16k might require better hardware. also the fact that blueray still uses disc tech and their not using some kind of mini drive or sd card like drive for movies is also an issue. It shows they hadn't innovated the formats since basically when blueray came out, (besides some adjustments to the technology as it went on. Also DVDs are slower at loading, why are we still using them instead of something more modern and more energy efficient for the environment?

Sure you do have streaming and cable, but when you think of the film industry, you typically think theatres, DVDs collections. blueray, and really just hasn't been anything exciting different, or interesting from the industry. everythings just feels the same across the board. What happened to the film industry, and innovation?

[–] -1 points 8 months ago

Absolutely, VHS is a dead format for some pretty obvious reasons by this day and age.

However the bigger picture I was focusing on was that the industry makes similar actions together and not collectively. While the companies typically work independently, they copy and don't create as much they don't tend to do anything impressive like they did even just 8-10 years ago. Nothing is unique except what they happen to own as ip. And a lot of their content is rehash and not much is new from scratch.

Which is why I included the second example which is more modern. Talking about ai companies all chasing ai. But why is it that they all seem to be interested in it, and you have what seems that none of the well known media companies thinking, no we don't feel we need this and not using it?

[–] 29 points 8 months ago

I still don't trust Microsoft. I hadn't bought a Windows since Windows 10, and this won't change that.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago

Good points. I can see a few workarounds for this.

Stop using such services on a copmputer and go back to the old way of banking, going there physically.

Most normal people won't use Linux, where could they go? Besides Windows? Chromeos? Probally not Google may copy and paste the concept of recall there. Mac os is too expensive, and Linix is complex to install. Where do normies go?

[–] -3 points 8 months ago (4 children)

What exactly can recall see? Is it just what’s on screen?

Because, if I’m like most people when I type my password, I keep my passwords hashed on the screen as I type it.

[–] 5 points 8 months ago

If you're mostly running Mastodon, and other open source platforms and software particularly with no ads, typically the less demand on your hardware. I use to have a 2 gb ram laptop and it surprisingly was able to do a lot once I got Linux installed. I was able to get ps1 emulators running at full frame rate with 2 gb ram. on the default windows 10 install, good luck getting anything like that out of 2 gb of ram.

Usually what affects the hardware performance is what's running on it. If you stick to 2d sprites, avoid ads and 3D renders, block autoplay gifs and video the better your browsing experience gets. Also block JavaScript.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I agree, but when they are making that choice, what's a term that describes that?

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