Running Down a Dream by Tom Petty
To be quite frank, we are beyond the time where incremental change is going to save us on so many issues, we might as well drastically raze the entire structure to the ground and rebuild anew. We shortly will not have the planet we used to because we’ve been trying this current method of polite effort. We need to be rude, aggressive, and dangerous to our opposition because they are trying to kill us. They are actively killing us. We are not winning yet and I don’t know if I have time to see us get there.
I’ve been saying this for years. Hope you don’t get banned.
This went from 20 to 100 real quick. While I agree with your point, I think it could be beneficial to everyone if you didn’t assume malice where ignorance is the more obvious motivator of the previous comment. I could be dead wrong and the person you replied to could indeed be an ableist bootlicker, but I lack the motivation to dive into their post history to find out. Just try and remember that aggression seldomly changes people’s minds and is more likely to cause them to dig in their heels and double down on their ignorant takes.
Unpopular opinion here, but men’s rights activism and feminism should be the same thing. It’s tackling the same problem, inequality based on gender, but coming at it from different sides. If you support men’s rights activism, you support feminism. If you support feminism, you support men’s rights activism. Anyone or anything telling you otherwise is muddying the waters and trying to divide and conquer you by sewing dissent.
This sounds like early puscifer. Like Vagina Mine vibes.