What do you regard as "decent"? A million pounds will buy you a lot of very nice houses.
The Scottish Full English
Aka the Full Scottish :-)
Yeah, the song is a bit of a red herring 😁
Oh, yeah, it could be that too 👍
The fences show that staking out territory isn't limited to the "lower" animals.
He's fast, isn't he? Bloody hell!
They were aiming at Ukraine.
It's widely used in Fife and possibly north of that. Don't think it's common in Glasgow or Edinburgh though.
It gives us the saying, "It's a braw, bricht, moonlicht, nicht" :-)
EDIT: Apparently it's from the French, brave, but the Swedish similarity is noted too :-)
Re Skitbra, does that mean that "bra" is "good"?
I ask because in parts of Scotland there's the word "braw", which has the same meaning. Wonder if there's a connection there.
Yep, that's exactly how I see it playing out too.
Hopefully the rest of Europe rallies round. The USA can't be seen as an ally anymore.
In 1982, the Scottish football ⚽ team released a single for the World Cup in which pretty much this dream scenario played out for the protagonist of the song.
"I awoke... in the night... wi a fever..."