
joined 8 months ago
[–] snue 1 points 1 minute ago* (last edited 1 minute ago)

I am actually not sure, whether this needs to be fixed in the Lemmy source code or in the mastodon source code.

[–] snue 1 points 3 minutes ago

Especially the way communities work on mastodon annoys me. I would love to follow some communities on mastodon, but I've had to unfollow all of them, because the comments take up my entire feed.

And the comments show up without the context of the original post, so I have to click on the comment, to enter the post thread it is a part of, and then scroll all the way to the top to see the post it is related to.

Maybe something about activity pub makes it hard to change, but it would be nice if it could be fixed :)

submitted 6 minutes ago by snue to c/

Currently, it is possible to follow both Lemmy users and communities from Mastodon.

When you follow a user, all their posts and comments show up as posts on Mastodon.

When you follow a community. The community boosts all posts and comments made in the community.

I think it would work better, if for users, only posts showed up as posts and comments showed up as replies (meaning unlisted).

For communities, I think it would be better if only posts were boosted and not all the comments.

It is possible to find the comments by clicking on the post on Mastodon, so the comments would still be visible.

As it is now, following something from Lemmy from Mastodon is a noisy experience. I think it would be a lot better if only posts were boosted and shown as posts :)

I hope this is the right community to share this. If not, where can I share this ?

Have a nice day :)

[–] snue 6 points 6 days ago

Jeg er også blevet overbevist om Systembolaget :)

[–] snue 2 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Det er i helt skørt at så meget ansvar og arbejde er endt hos forbrugeren.

Det kunne være lækkert, hvis man kunne købe flere varer i løsvægt og pap indpakning :)

Og også, hvis vi fik ensrettet sorteringen på tværs af kommuner, så der kunne stå på varen, hvordan den skulle smides ud.

Hvis der skulle stå på varen, hvordan den skal affaldsorteres, så ville det måske også være nemmere at holde firmaer ansvarlige for deres affald ?

[–] snue 16 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Minder Mastodon ikke mere om twitter end det minder om facebook ? :)

Jeg stoler desuden ikke helt på bluesky. Hvad forhindrer det i at blive skidt, ligesom Meta er ?

[–] snue 9 points 1 week ago

Jeg hedder kun mit fornavn her. Jeg tror blandt andet det er en vane jeg har fra facebook og instagram, hvor jeg gerne ville give så lidt data til Stor Teknologi som muligt.

Derudover, er jeg også blevet doxxet tidligere, men det taler nok i højere grad for ikke at have sin adresse på internettet.

[–] snue 31 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Tap for explanation"The cartoon was intended to be an exercise in silliness. While I have never met a cow who could make tools, I felt sure that if I did, they (the tools) would lack something in sophistication and resemble the sorry specimens shown in this cartoon. I regret that my fondness for cows, combined with an overactive imagination, may have carried me beyond what is comprehensible to the average Far Side reader." - Larson


It certainly confused me 😅

[–] snue 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

What is the perceived intent of the comment ?

[–] snue 5 points 3 weeks ago

Det kunne være lækkert med mobilizon :)

Jeg tror det mange foreninger og kultursteder mangler for at lave skiftet til fødiverset er bedre understøttelse af events, og så mulighed for private grupper til intern diskussion :)

Jeg tror mobilizon kan gøre meget der :)

[–] snue 1 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Nothing wrong with being a furry <3

(posting this comment just to make sure everyone here agrees)

[–] snue 6 points 3 weeks ago

Det er ærgerligt når folk der burde have råd til at hyre ægte tegnere forsøger at spare penge med AI i stedet. Fedt, at de får hyret nogle ægte tegnere ind :)

[–] snue 1 points 1 month ago

Why is their logo a traffic cone ? 😅

I love VLC and use it almost everyday :)

UV light in bedroom (self.houseplants)
submitted 3 months ago by snue to c/

I have some UV plant lights by my desk that are on often. Recently I started to worry if they are increasing my risk of skin cancer. Is that totally far out or should I try to point them away from where I work ?

submitted 3 months ago by snue to c/teknologi

Jeg har ledt lidt på internettet, men jeg kan ikke umiddelbart finde et tilfredsstillende svar.

Findes der nogle foreninger i Danmark der arbejder for at fremme fri software (fri og open source) ?

jeg kan finde Free Software Foundation Europe (fsfe), der vist har et lille kapitel i Aarhus.

Findes der andre foreninger ?

(ental) hveps indenfor (self.spoergsmaal_og_svar)
submitted 5 months ago by snue to c/spoergsmaal_og_svar

I nat vækkede min kæreste mig, fordi han var blevet stukket af en hveps der øjensynligt var fløjet ind på vores soveværelse gennem et vindue der stod på klem.

Da han jo var blevet stukket fik jeg jobbet med at komme af med den. Det lykkedes mig at få den fanget mellem et glas og noget papir, hvorefter jeg slap den fri udenfor.

mit første spørgsmål er: Er der nogle bedre metoder end glas/papir-tricket til at fjerne én hveps fra indenfor ? (hvepsen må gerne dø)

mit andet spørgsmål: Vi har længe overvejet at få insektnet for vores vinduer, men vores vinduer åbner indad. Er der nogle gode alternativer til insektnet der fungerer på vinduer der åbner indad ?


A video from the YouTube channel 'Accented Cinema'.

The three movies are

  • 'Tigers are not afraid' (2017) from Mexico
  • 'The Maid' (2005) from Singapore
  • 'Tumbbad' (2018) from India

I haven't watched the movies yet, but I'll hopefully get to watch them soon :)

I've seen some of the other movies he recommends, and I think the movies should be worth checking out ^^

Which other non-american horror movies are worth checking out ? :))

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