So, for all your haunted ideals, at the end of the day, you are no better than him. You are a narcissistic person that gets a perverse pleasure from the suffering of your perceived political enemies
It wouldn't have mattered if you kill Hitler. Someone else would have risen up and taken power, eventually kicking off WW2. The conditions in early 1930s Germany were too ripe not to have a demagogue take total power there. If you wanted to prevent those events from happening, you prevent the great depression, not kill some leader of a nation
I'm not MAGA, but anyone that supports assasination as a tool of politics is a traitor to the constitution and a terrorist against the people and should be dealt with accordingly
Oh, you want your news filtered, but you will happily rawdog Becky who may or may not have Clamidia
This needs a catchy name, like 'forging the coin'
My understanding is that the biggest threat is when one of those sneaking into your car and start crawling on people while driving. I think we can both agree, people make for terrible drivers when achiant spider is crawling on them
Ruh Roh.....Ralpatine is a Rith Rord
You don't have to convince me. I believe you