Even the WIFI wants to kill you in Australia
I don't know...some Iranian trying to explain why they have an airplane engine in their carry-on luggage would be rather funny
You actually create a communist revolution by having a leftist demagogue convince a group of bored trust fund babies that they're lives would be paradise if they only fundamentally change the government. The same demagogue goes to elite keyholders in the old government and promises power un the new government if they change sides. The revolution happens. Scores are settled, and many of those same trust fund babies are put against the wall, because the demagogue wants absolute political power, not a utopia for his supporters. The country is weakened, while political and civil rights are curtailed for the greater good
You don't need money, or movie star looks to attract women. All you need is a Berner
Isn't the coke Navy essentially the United States Coast Guard?
No, not a whimper, but a meme
If you throw the strongest opposition candidates in jail or arbitrarily declare them ineligible for candidacy right before an election, there is little chance of a fair election, no matter what propaganda articles like this try an perpetuate