@Razzleberry @TheWorldSpins not a careful opener like S1 but they tied up ends like: Chief engineer, La’an, Una’s status, Spok’s emotions still out. A bit messy but we’re on track, and good Klingons.
Re the serum: Maybe it’s specifically for humans to fight Klingons unarmed (not general fighting juice), given M’Benga carries it since the Klingon war. Skipping explanation *may* mean we’ll come back to it, in the context of weapon ethics (in TNG, Q shows earth fought WW3 with drug-fueled armies).
@Nmyownworld @SeeJayEmm @startrek I mean, if you’re OK with ship sensors that can analyze space in tiny detail, it’s reasonable that transporter tech makes sure the target area is safe/unobstructed, and safety protocols prevent transport if there’s risk. We often see a human operator scanning for good transport locations too.
There’s obvious issues with the concept of course, but Star Trek is the type of scifi that you can trust with your suspension of disbelief, and you’ll usually be rewarded.