Their elders have done such a bang up job, eh. So much wisdom and here we all are blaming and knocking young people having to inherit all this bullshit.
If you're complaining about all the people who are now coming on board you should probably just stfu and get on board with the new nominee and face the facts that people calling for Biden to exit were right and you were wrong. That it did matter and it made a huge difference.
vim or neovim? what terminal emulator are you using? post your nvim init.lua file. try putting both of these in tmux.conf:
set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color"
set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc"
This is for alacritty terminal emulator + tmux + neovim but may help put you on the right track with whatever te u might be using:
It was dumb just going along with Biden as the nominee, hubris and status quo thinking. Now the Democratic party needs to come up with something to energize the electorate. Scaring people with democracy being on the line, while completely true, isn't gonna do it. Hoping the attacks on reproductive rights will carry them over the finish line is a bad idea. Trying to bring Harris out now into the limelight isn't gonna work. People are tired and struggling. The youth feel betrayed and themselves are struggling. There is no energy coming from up on top. Dems have always sucked at messaging.
I feel you, it's all absurd but not the kind you can laugh at.
Did you think Trump could actually win back in 2016? I get what you're saying, but it's not me you have to worry about. It's the voters who put him in office back in 2016, and the ones who still might again. Democracy being on the line may not be the best way to win voters or energize a base. The youth already feel betrayed. And dems suck at messaging.
While that would be ~~nice~~ the right thing, it's highly unlikely to happen. The very fact that he is even running and that he has full control over his party says so.
Anyone trying to spin this positively is delusional. This was a very, very damning performance by Biden. It doesn't matter what Trump said or didn't say. Dems are saying it was bad, donors are saying it, even onlookers from abroad.
Dems sticking with an octogenarian was dumb. It's like lessons never learned. They fight the progressive's to defend the status quo. Scaring people about democracy being on the line may not cut it, even though it's absolutely true. People are already tired and struggling. It helps to have some energy at the top of your ticket.
You can downvote, but we will all be wringing our hands for the next five months.
Think they're so self-righteous, in reality just cruel and evil.
Mossad being involved would not surprise me at this point, that includes his 'suicide'.
Seriously, they are one of the most tiresome posters. The look i'm so logically smart type, and complain about lemmy but hang out on lemmy.