
joined 2 years ago
[–] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

How about another type of control: by default your profile is not federated. Then you manually select the instances you trust. And your data getcs shared only with those. Dating usually is kind of local anyway. If i live in australiay I'm likely not interested in matches from the UK. So instances could already serve as some pre-selection based on your region and possibly community type.

[–] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 4 points 2 days ago

My last impression was that alovoa would need a lot of work still. It's also the best thing I've seen so far but it's very buggy unfortunately.

[–] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 2 days ago (3 children)

How about doing some fine-grained control mechanism: you share little data publicly, then once somebody likes you, you can decide to share more with them. With some cryptography tricks should be possible to share this information only with the other person and not with their home servers.


"[...] what we’re witnessing now is the systematic dismantling of this entire architecture of peace—not through external defeat, but through internal surrender"

[–] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 3 days ago

I bet that what we see here is partly the work of the worlds largest propaganda machine. I'd like to believe that misinformation was the reason for them supporting Trump. So yes, properly informing people could help. But I'm worried that the Trumpian shit-show clogged some brains. What to believe in a world made of "fake news"?

[–] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 3 days ago

I simply wonder what's happening and expressing my frustration.

No question - it's good he is mobilizing people. Organization is key, and to me it looks like it's currently lacking. I really hope Sanders can change this.

It has been damn obvious and yet way too many people voted Trump. And, come on, it was clear Elon would be there as well. From outside the US it's hard to understand why. It leaves me with two explanations, both of which I don't like: either people were misinformed and/or did not understand what is going on, or they did really want it.

Maybe you can help me understand.

[–] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 26 points 3 days ago (28 children)

Wasn't that obvious at very latest 4 years ago?

[–] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 55 points 1 week ago

We need such statements now more than ever. Thank you Codeberg <3

[–] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 32 points 1 week ago

Green flags:

  • copyleft license (GPL or better AGPL) + they accept contributions without contributor license agreement
  • code written by many people who personally own the copyright
  • active community

Yellow flags:

  • permissive license
  • business model which can't be really be sustainable with a shit-free product

Red flags:

  • VC funding (implies enshittification in future because of profit maximization)
  • proprietary license
  • project does not take contribution from the outside or asks to transfer copyright or sign some document (CLA)
[–] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 3 points 1 week ago

Google has always been fuckers, they are still fuckers and going with the fascist flow they've proven that they will remain fuckers. Even if they switch side once the Trumpian monster stumbles, the can never be trusted.

This days it's plain obvious. Before was slightly better hidden.

[–] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

They could decide not to give 1M to Trump, but they did: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/09/google-microsoft-donate-trump-inaugural-fund They could use their reach and make a clear public statement: "we don't support this". But I've never seen any. They could give higher rating to actual useful information and try to show less fascist propaganda to people. I have to assume that's going wrong as well.

Because of their giant impact, they send a message to all others. "We go with the fascists, we are not on the side of humanity but on the side of profit". That creates dangerous dynamics.

[–] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 19 points 1 week ago

It was limiting them. To truly maximize profits they need to strip off all limits. I'm not joking. Really not. This is why capitalism and fascism go so well together.


[...] By the time most Americans understand what's happening, the "reboot" – the destruction of government – may already be complete.


"Vor der Abstimmung zum Nachrichten­dienst­gesetz versprach der Bundesrat: Eine flächen­deckende Überwachung der Bevölkerung wird es nicht geben. Doch heute ist die Kabel­aufklärung genau das: ein Programm zur Massen­überwachung. Die Serie zum Schweizer Überwachungs­staat, Folge 1."


Die Schweiz will erneut mit der EU verhandeln. Die Eisenbahngewerkschaft SEV befürchtet, dass der Bundesrat bereit sein könnte, das hiesige Bahnsystem dem Markt zu opfern.


Europas Bahngewerkschaften kämpfen schon lange gegen einen beständigen Liberalisierungsdruck im internationalen Zugverkehr.


«Wo die Marktideologie aber durchgesetzt wurde, hat sich die Situation praktisch überall verschlechtert»


Nicht die EU an sich sei das Problem, sondern die EU-Kommission, deren Exekutivorgan. «Diese verfolgt einen völlig ideologiegetriebenen Liberalisierungskurs», so Janisch. Und indem sie immer wieder forsch voranschreite, missachte die Kommission nicht selten den Willen des EU-Parlaments – also des europäischen Gesetzgebers.


" Je mehr zerbricht – an Institutionen, Wirtschaft, Umwelt, Umgangsformen, Hoffnungen, Spielregeln, Menschen –, desto besser. Das Entscheidende für den Erfolg rechter Bewegungen ist: dass das Vertrauen verloren geht.


Die grösste Tugend als rechter Politiker ist deshalb: Stress zu befeuern. Die Republikaner in den USA betreiben das konsequent: Lähmung des Parlaments, Streichung von Sozial­leistungen, Sabotage der Krankenkasse, Aufhebung der Waffen­gesetze, Kinderarbeit, niedrige Löhne und als neuestes Wahlkampf-Projekt: Ende der Schulspeisung – die Zerstörung der Sicherheit ist ihr bestes Wahl­argument. "

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