There's a YouTuber called The Rules Lawyer, and I thought at first this post was about him. It sounds like something he would do: "Every +1 Matters!"
If an OSS project wants to thrive, it would behoove them to implement things that people want. I don't think there's a one-size-fits-all solution there, but they shouldn't be surprised if nobody wants to use their software because it doesn't do what they want.
>make unpopular posts
>ban people for disagreeing with them
>people downvote your posts
>get mad
Get used to it, bub.
INFO: What is the case at hand?
Now that you mention it, I wouldn't be surprised if Japanese companies manufacture more cars in the US than US-based companies.
Hard agree, as an American. Honda and Toyota destroy our local companies in pretty much every regard other than maybe regulation dodging.
I had this idea for a wizard who was kind of crazy and believed he was the king of a nation that doesn't exist. He would see the rest of the party as his nobility and task them with enforcing laws he made up on the spot. In combat, he would use "control" type magic like paralysis and counterspells to lock down his enemies, pronounce guilty verdicts, and issue death sentences which his noble companions would carry out. I don't know if the spell list in D&D would support this kind of gameplay, though.
Call of Duty 1 was the first violent game my mom let me play. Good times.
I've only lived in one apartment my whole life, but I wouldn't be surprised. Less need to interact means less interaction.