
joined 2 years ago

Games For The Weekend - Weekly post 31

Another Friday is coming to an end, meaning the weekend is quickly approaching :)

Have you already thought about which games you will be playing in the next few days?
Time to share them with us!!

Use #GamesFTW (Games For The Weekend) for a friendly boost :)


#Gaming #Videogames #Weekend


Peertube - Issues with the import from Youtube functionality


Apparently Youtube is enforcing a new anti-bot policy, breaking the import from YouTube functionality.

You may experience issues while importing videos from YouTube with a generic error in the UI, but this is the answer that come through server-side

ERROR: [youtube] -ID REDACTED-: Sign in to confirm you’re not a bot. This helps protect our community.

#Peertube #TheGamersTavern #Youtube

[–] 1 points 7 months ago


My #GamesFTW:

- Ultima Online New Legacy Open Beta: just...because.
- Kingdom Come Deliverance: I need to git gud at this game, I love it, but sometimes it hates me. We're in a complicated relationship

God, if I'll have some spare time I'll connect the wheel and get Euro Trucks Simulator 2 for a spin on the new UW screen

#UltimaOnline #UO #KingdomComeDeliverance #EuroTruckSimulator2 #ETS2 #KCD #Gaming #Videogames #LinixGaming


Games For The Weekend - Weekly post 30

Finally, the weekend is here! It's time for us to share the games we will be playing in the next few days, the Games For The Weekend (GamesFTW)

Which games will you play? Use #GamesFTW for a friendly boost :)


#Gaming #Videogames #Weekend


Games For The Weekend - Weekly post 29

Wabba lubba dub dub gamers!
Time for sharing the game we will be playing in this upcoming weekend, aka the Games For The Weekend (GamesFTW)

Which games will you play? Use #GamesFTW for a friendly boost :)


#Gaming #Videogames #Weekend

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Getting back to this thread after ending the game and let some feelings seeping in

I enjoyed playing Firewatch so much! I believe this game achieved a whole new level of immersion and set the bar as a target for every other game out there

The music, the narrative, the immersion, all of them meshed together produced a wonderful journey throughout Firewatch, making me melanchonic during the credit roll

#VGCJuly2024 #VideoGameClub #Firewatch #Gaming #LinuxGaming #Videogames

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

@Lorhin @the_gamer_tavern oh yeah I remember the black hole and the end of the super colony!!

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

@hk @the_gamer_tavern oh you'll enjoy it, it's an amazing game :) I still need to write down my thoughts on Lemmy for the VideogameClub

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

@lesswrongmorekind @the_gamer_tavern good choice, I loved Mario Odyssey!!!

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

@DoubleAA @the_gamer_tavern should we need to get a gaming roulette going for you mate? 😂

Spin the wheel and choose the game!
(Sadly, with out backlogs the wheel would be HUGE!)

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

@Lorhin @the_gamer_tavern how is Helldivers 2 holding on?
I quit few weeks ago, I believe around when they added the new autocannon mech

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

@rosareven @the_gamer_tavern @harrybo93 I still need to experience BG3 in multiplayer, I believe it would be fun

[–] 1 points 8 months ago


I'd also love to do a bit of sim racing but I'm still waiting for the new and bigger screen, so I'm really torn about this and I'll probably delay playing Euro Truck Simulator 2 and BeamNG in the next few weeks.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

@the_gamer_tavern my #GamesFTW will be:

- DRG: after hearing the new song from Wind Rose I'm so pumped at this new season and I need to unlock a few new overclocks too, so...ROCK AND STONE!
- Kingdom Come Deliverance: I'm still cruising the DLC "A woman's lot", giving me a new point of view of the first few hours I played (pretty much the tutorial)

#DeepRockGalactic #KingdomComeDeliverance #Gaming #Videogames #LinuxGaming


Games For The Weekend - Weekly post 28

Hey gamers! It is safe to assume that we will survive this Friday too, so I guess we can start thinking about our weekly thread: Games For The Weekend (GamesFTW)

Which games will you play this upcoming weekend? Use #GamesFTW for a friendly boost :)


#Gaming #Videogames #Weekend

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

@harrybo93 I did for maybe an hour or so, but so far:

- running good-ish on Linux, I've seen some stuttering so might need to check this
- in the hour I played I didn't understand any of the lore
- the game's graphic is good, I'm honestly surprised

I need to play it a bit more to judge the game better and decide if I'll stick playing or not


LFF - Looking for friends - share your gamertags


Hey adventurers!
We decided to create a repository of Steam, EGS, GOG and other. tags to help looking for friends, both on Mastodon and on Lemmy :)

Share the tags and the videogames you'd like to find friends to play with

Boosts are greatly appreciated

#Gaming #Videogames #TheGamersTavern #LookingForFriends


Games For The Weekend - Weekly post 27


Hey, look at that, it's finally Friday and it's time for our weekly appointment, the Games For The Weekend (GamesFTW)

Share with the Fediverse which games you'll play this upcoming weekend! Use #GamesFTW for a friendly boost :)

#Gaming #Videogames


Let's Play - Zero Caliber VR - Episode 2 - Operation Woodpecker - Part II


Hey adventurers!
Let's continue the operation Woodpecker, this time I'll have to defend the villagers and...well, no spoiler!

Enjoy the video!

#VR #Gaming #Videogames #LinuxGaming #ZeroCaliberVR #TheGamersTavern #LetsPlay


VideogameClub - June 2024 - Firewatch


Time to start a thread on Mastodon and Lemmy to write my impressions for this month's pick from the Videogame Club.

A few words about the game before starting: Firewatch is a story-driven adventure game from 2016, set in the wilderness of Wyoming, with beautiful and atmospheric visuals.

#VideoGameClub #Gaming #Videogames #LinuxGaming


Games For The Weekend - Weekly post 26

🎶 Oh oh oh oooh!
Oh oh oh oooh!
Everybody was getting ready for the weekend
hu! ha!
Those videogames were amaz-eing!
hu! ha! 🎶

Well well gamers, it's safe to assume that we finally got through the week and it's time to think about the Games For The Weekend!

Which games will you be playing this upcoming weekend? Share them with us!

#Gaming #Videogames #GamesFTW


Let's Play - The Expanse: a Telltale series

Oye beltalowda!!

Check out my recent playthrough of The Expanse: a Telltale series, now ported on The Gamer's Tavern Peertube instance!

Don't be an inyalowda!


#Gaming #LinuxGaming #Videogames #TheExpanse #Peertube #TheExpanseATelltaleSeries #TheGamersTavern


Let's Play - Zero Caliber VR - Episode 1 - Operation Woodpecker

Hey adventurers!
Here comes a new Let's Play series, this time regarding Zero Caliber VR, an amazing Call of Duty experience, but on VR.
In this video you'll find the first part of Operation Woodpecker, played on "Intermediate" difficulty and a few words about my loadout for the episode.

Enjoy the video!


#VR #Gaming #Videogames #LinuxGaming #ZeroCaliberVR #TheGamersTavern #LetsPlay

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