if there is a cyclist on your right, it doesn't matter if there are two lanes, you don't cut their path: if they go straight, they have priority
I don't understand the 11 downvotes... Thank you for sharing, I've wondered about this game for a long time.
It's weird for a supersonic airplane to come back as a free-to-play game but ok
the swiss country is not a monolith. swiss politics caused this offer to be the result of a complicated consensus, not just "ludicrous conditions" emanating from a purely capitalist agent.
op's post was making the point that a lot of specs of the 2024 iphone 16 were already found on the 2021 sony xperia 1 III. I don't really care about either, and you could use a lot of different 2021 android phones as a comparison. I don't even think the comparison is entirely fair, but to ignore the fact that apple is clearly lagging behind android on certain aspects while hiding behind marketing is just misguided. Also, their phones are just overpriced because of price, and the innovation argument is getting old.
It's funny I litterally just finished an episode of Search Engine, the 'new' PJ Vogt podcast, where that's the actual question. It was the May 3rd episode, and they're interviewing a researcher on the topic, etc.
that's not really what hapoened, they boight those weapons knowing the conditions that were attached to it. The swiss political context is complex, it's not a matter of one side vs the other but of consensus between a lot of actors defending various interests. This is why in this case the swiss left has been trying for years to stop swiss exports of weapons of war, while the right and far-right pushed for it.
They bought them knowing of the conditions they came with, which is fair if they now don't want to buy new ones because of this same condition
in 2021
i understand even less when people are saying that when someone does something out of passion it should allow us to consume it for free
I read the title of your post quickly in my feed and thought you were shushing me