Not really.. This time America voted for the felon to become a dictator
And the felon will do whatever he can to make it happen.
Last time it was still a misguided presidency.
Not really.. This time America voted for the felon to become a dictator
And the felon will do whatever he can to make it happen.
Last time it was still a misguided presidency.
The whole presidency is alarming... Please find a bit that it is not?
This is so disgraceful. Usa. Seriously.. Wtf
Just woke up to this..
What the fuck.. How is this even possible...
It's a sad day today.
Just make sure it does work, this plan.. The world doesn't want Trump back...
Rermoved the Wireless card drivers while troubleshooting the Internet connection..
Let's just waste some more money to appease some bigots who have illegal seed behind close doors, right? Coz normally that's exactly what happens..
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Long live notepad++, 🎉🎉🎉
I just don't get it. Every time a right wing government people get fucked and more fucked. Arguably even with left governments, but brexit / trump / bosonaro level fucked it's is hard to achieve..
And people still vote for these train wrecks..
What am I missing? What do I need to do get it? Lower my iq seems to be a possible answer, but I'm really struggling to see it
Please educate me
What's wayland?
The god king...