This is NOT a food safe practice. Following this advise is extraordinarily dangerous. Thawing under cold, running water is the safe way to thaw frozen meat.
I've got two of Ryan North's books, "Romeo and/or Juliet" and "To Be or Not to Be" on my bookshelf, but until seeing a Dinosaur Comic again just now, I entirely forgot the connection.
It sounds like you might be misinformed - a YouTube Premium subscriber watching your YouTube videos is worth, IIRC, 5 to 10 times more than an ad supported view for the content creator. I know a number of content creators have indicated as much for years - I wish I could cite a specific WAN Show episode from Linus Tech Tips who I'm certain has talked about it many times.
I'm not sure if you have checked out WoW lately, but it's actually a pretty beautiful game. I think generally they want the tech specs to be a low barrier to entry for a game where they want millions of players playing concurrently. It also cannot be super heavy or things like raids and battlegrounds would chug.
Shows like John Oliver could go 20+ years easily. If he's happy and making the exact show he wants to make, I don't see why he wouldn't keep going. Bill Maher is on season/year 21. And it really can't be that expensive compared to their other tent poles.
Unless John Oliver is next to get the can, HBO has always been a safe spot for true free speech, and he really pushes the envelope. But they may not have room in their schedule for two shows like his.
How has HBO been consistently $15 a month for decades it seems, and now suddenly this model requires everyone to hike their prices to hell and back? I think I would be willing to believe that $15/mo is the magic number, except that everyone is rocketing past that now. Now it's just garbage corporations turning a quick buck for executives and shareholders, as subscribers we aren't getting any more for our money - there's no feature release or massive influx of content. What a shit system we have.
It's a handheld gaming PC a la the Nintendo Switch that runs a custom Linux distro.
Also in defense of Google - I'm still grandfathered in to the $8 plan for YouTube premium because I signed up and have remained subscribed since 2013 when they offered promotional pricing at the beginning of Google Play Music. Years later, they added YouTube Red (now Premium) to the subscription which REALLY sweetened the pot. But they've never bumped my subscription price up.
Just don't bide your time too long, if you're too late they'll start re-releasing it for the next 15 years on every platform imagineable and for full price each time. There was a sweet spot with Skyrim on PC where you got upgraded to the ultimate edition (or whatever tf) for free if you bought the game before the transition.
Dehumanization is how Hitler justified and sold his actions. I would recommend against that. The other side is human just the same as you, no matter how monstrous they act.