
joined 2 years ago
[–] tissek@ttrpg.network 2 points 1 month ago

I'm in a similar boat. According to steam haven't opened EUIV since 2017 and now I have a huge relearning curve. And new DLC to get. While I would love to get back into it I have better (path) things (of) things (exile) to (two) do.

[–] tissek@ttrpg.network 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Most recognizable trigger from said image - Reinstalling EUIV

Sigh... here I go again...

[–] tissek@ttrpg.network 14 points 6 months ago (4 children)

Damn I'm feeling you. I'm in the fall process (solidly down 15kg/33lb, approaching 20kg/44lb) with about 10-15kg to go. When my belly stops flapping I'm good I think. But I fear the rebound... Currently lots of my evening snacking have disappeared because of evening gym classes, so late home and even later dinner. So I don't have time anymore to get snacky. Or if I do it's almost bedtime anyway so I'll just go to bed instead.

But once I've hit my goal and don't need to hit gym that hard anymore... That frightens me. A little bit at least. Made some good connections there and got a routine going so i can probably keep it up.


While out foraging I found a patch of big nice chantarelles, we have a good year for them btw. Then I noticed something strange, a hole into the mound. It wasn't there last year I know yhat for sure.

Well... Looks like I pilfered someone's nicely cultivated mushrooms. Sorry.

[–] tissek@ttrpg.network 7 points 7 months ago

Hitting the gym

[–] tissek@ttrpg.network 17 points 7 months ago (3 children)

What do you mean capitalism WAS a misstake? Did I miss a memo?

[–] tissek@ttrpg.network 8 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Another Himedere checking in. I love setting up situations where the players and/or the characters squirm in anguish about what to do.

My favorite so far was an estranged princess living as a man and hostel owner. He had turned his back on the throne and wanted little to do with it. As a bonus he was the only child of the king's only remaining child. Fast forward a bit and he needed a (legal) favor from the king. Went to court and met with his grandfather. The king would do it, no strings attached if a) he returned to court and resumed his duties as prince and b) sired an heir.

There were a good thirty minutes of the players anguishing if he should accept while going deep into character motivations and the setting. During that game I don't think I did as much concrete worldbuildning as during those thirty minutes. I loved it, the players loved it. Great time.

[–] tissek@ttrpg.network 1 points 8 months ago

Issue in that case I rather see as why is it allowed to enter into legally binding agreements when you aren't sober. Why there isn't a (forced) period to review the papers.

Marriage is a legally binding agreement. Let's treat it as such.

[–] tissek@ttrpg.network 33 points 9 months ago (3 children)

The Swedish vacation law (Semesterlag 1977:480) amateurishly translated by me. And I am in no way experienced enough in our labour law to comment on how it looks for those not working full time. The short lesson is to Remember Ådalen, or those that fought, bled and died four our labour rights.

4 § En arbetstagare har rätt till tjugofem semesterdagar varje semesterår [...]
An employee have right to twentyfive vacation days per year

12 § Om inte annat har avtalats, ska semesterledigheten förläggas så, att arbetstagaren får en ledighetsperiod av minst fyra veckor under juni-augusti[...]
If nothing else have been agreed upon, the vacation is to be scheduled such that the employee get a vacation period of at least four weeks during june -august

Unions work. Labour movements work.

[–] tissek@ttrpg.network 18 points 9 months ago (1 children)

As long as the Russian bear is around to scare the west and occupy our mibds the Chinese dragon is at much more liberty to do whatever they want.

[–] tissek@ttrpg.network 40 points 9 months ago (11 children)

Spoiler it is 30km/h. After that noise and injury risk/severity shoot up. It is the compromise speed.

[–] tissek@ttrpg.network 1 points 10 months ago

How easy it for those speaking the different languages to understand eachother?


cross-posted from: https://ttrpg.network/post/105035

This is my latest obsession - bread filled to the brim with seeds and whole grains. A bit like the danish rugbrød and I bet the Germans have something similar too.

Method (1 loaf)

The only things I measure is the water and seeds, the rest I find no use in measuring. Whole flour coarsely ground can have such varying absorption rates depending on age and storage. Going by feel is mandatory.

  • 500g water
  • Some yeast (or sourdough). Use a quantity that makes the bake fit into your schedule. I used about 8-10g fresh yeast.
  • Dissolve yeast into water with your preferred method.
  • Add seeds. I used 2dl in total split between 1dl sunflower, 1/2dl flax and 1/2dl psyllium seeds
  • Begin adding flour. I used a mix of coarse ground whole rye (1/3) and graham flour (2/3). This is a tricky part to describe as I go by feel. At this point I want a "sloppy batter". It will stiffen as the flour absorbs water. My desired final texture is a "shapeable batter", something that holds a shape for a little while but is very much squishable. Adjust water/flour if needed. Look at this consistency as a reference.
  • Let rest until risen to at least half again size (150%), for me it took about 2 hours. Adjust time as needed.
  • After it has risen give it a light work, you won't get any gluten development with all those additions.
  • Put dough in tin, I prefer to bake in parchment paper to get it out easier. I took the dough directly from the bowl into the tin, just spread it evenly.
  • Let rest again, I gave it another 2 hours. You decide. Let the bake fit into your schedule.
  • Preheat oven to 250C.
  • Put tin in oven, lower to 200C and bake for 30 minutes
  • (optional) Remove bread from tin and put on grate. Have nothing to back it up but I feel I get better crust all around, less moisture trapped in tin.
  • Heat oven to 225C then turn it off. Let bread rest in cooling oven until room temperature.
  • Let bread rest for at least 24 hours
  • Devour. This bread has a lot of flavour and is paired really well with strongly flavoured condiments such as gravlax, matjes herring or just butter.
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