I use GIMP rarely but a quick search shows that you can use Shift-click to force straight lines or Shift-Ctrl-click to limit both the angle as well. https://thegimptutorials.com/how-to-draw-rectangle-square-box/
I half-remembered the Shift-click.
I use GIMP rarely but a quick search shows that you can use Shift-click to force straight lines or Shift-Ctrl-click to limit both the angle as well. https://thegimptutorials.com/how-to-draw-rectangle-square-box/
I half-remembered the Shift-click.
I've used a Brother business AIO Inkjet for some years without any problems.
This seems to have worked for the older devices, but I don't know about the newer devices, for example far as I can tell the "Flint" doesn't have mainline support despite being over a year old.
For those that don't know, the standard library includes a csv
package so you can just import csv
Documented at https://docs.python.org/3/library/csv.html
OpenWRT support on GL.inet devices seems to be complex. The following is my understanding of the situation.
GL.inet have an OpenWRT fork on GitHub https://github.com/gl-inet/openwrt This is what is installed on GL.inet devices.
The OpenWRT developers in due course try to work out how to port mainline OpenWRT onto OpenWRT onto GL.inet devices.
I suggest that you read "In defence of swap" that various people have linked to. It includes information about swap size.
Here are swap size recommendations for from Red Hat and Canonical. You may not run oof these distributions but the information will probably still apply.
Assuming you have 16GB of RAM 32GB is the maximum swap size you need if want to use hibernation. You can you less if don't plan to use hibernation.
Have a look some of material on the reading list on Politician Compass for left libertarian it may help you.
When people talk about libertarians they are almost always talking about right wing (Ayn Rand) libertarians. They get attention because they are having direct impact on our current politics.
Have a look at the reading list for right libertarians at "The Political Compass" https://www.politicalcompass.org/libRightBooks and you will be be to come to your own view. You might want to take the Political Compass test.
I found this article on what happened when a town became a Libertarian experiment interesting - https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project
Those machines have a fan at the bottom of the case.
These are updates that will come through the repo. See the release note that is referenced by phoronix.