Most cities aren't big enough to be bike friendly or have public transport at all, let alone good public transport (as an issue of not enough taxes to do it bc small and not enough demand for private section either).
car go further faster, and car more useful when not in big city.
I have seen the reasoning they are actually presenting, and it is just various versions of "but I don't want this to be here" even though they have the option of not interacting with it. nobody is forcing maintainers to support rust code in the thing they maintain, they just can't prevent rust code from interfacing with it. their arguments are based purely on not wanting to interact with rust but they don't have to, so they are wrong to block it.
I'm not to great at managing sleep or food intake myself, but I've found that adding some flavoring to your water helps with hydration. I don't mean those little squirt bottle things though, I mean more like tea. I used to make tea in the morning before school and when I finished it I would refill the water bottle with regular water from the water fountain. the flavor wouldn't be as strong as when I first made the tea, but it made me go from almost never drinking water to drinking 1 bottle of tea (that water bottle was like 20 oz) and 2 bottles of water a day. they also make cold brew tea now, and from the couple times i've tried it it seemed to steep pretty well in ice water and had a good flavor. also as dumb as it may seem, having a water bottle with some cool gimmicky feature may help too. for example, i use an owala one right now and it's been pretty helpful (i stopped doing the tea thing for a while bc i ran out and forgot to buy more) as well.
you shouldn't worry about being skinny, only not being fat. the goal should be to avoid the bad thing (being fat, in this case meaning only fat to the point of unhealthiness) not to be the opposite because that is bad too (being excessively skinny can cause just as many issues). as long as you aren't at the point one way or the other where it is hurting your health nobody actually cares. also I'm aware op was joking but some of y'all need to hear this.
being new does not mean you do not have the right to develop the same way everybody else is. they did not start these issues, there were C people causing issues for no reason other than not liking rust that started it. idk about GOG but in my experience any games through steam just work unless they have some shitty anticheat I was joking too
cry about it?
yeah how dare they want to develop in the same way that everyone else does
no idea what you're talking about
the rest is weird but why would the clothes be ironed?