A chill person who is motivated to get along with others so we can all live in peace. :) Yup a real scourge over here.
how does it go?
so what's wrong with floppy disks?
Here in Canada , fax is widely used in the medical field in the same way. One could not run a medical office or organization of any kind or size without a fax line. I have heard the legal sector is likewise reliant.
In a functional way I don't know it's wrong to say email is less secure. It's not that they don't want to buy computers. Everyone has freaking computers; gimme a break. Email (1980s tech) is almost as antiquated as fax machines (1970s) and has many vulnerabilities. There is no way in hell your dermatologist is getting to a PGP party anytime soon. They probably use the same password for every account and that password is probably their name or something and have been using the same one for 20 years. The password is known by perhaps dozens of current and former employees. The email is downloaded onto devices which may not use encryption for storage. They don't install windows patches but they do install random shit from the internet. And so on. OTOH, who is hacking fax machines?
The solution isn't to move to email, it's to hop past email to use a natively encrypted technology with security enforced by a service provider. If the public funders would step up to support a Free Software solution this could have been done already. But instead they fund this and that proprietary system that doesn't work out, then have to start from scratch in a few years. There hasn't been incentive to create interoperability. Just a bunch of privately-held companies frothing at the mouth to make all the $$$ they see in the health care industries competing with each other.
BTW I have heard that fax machines are still in wide use in the US medical field also, but it depends what system you are in. E.g "kaiser" system has it's own internal comms system they use and so on. But inter-system, fax will always be the lowest common denominator.
To keep it classic and basic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederaci%C3%B3n_Nacional_del_Trabajo
The Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (English: National Confederation of Labor; CNT) is a Spanish confederation of anarcho-syndicalist labor unions
I really like the green drawers in the kitchen.
Where I live we don't have a hand gesture for that. I am curious what it entails?
So this guy was sitting there watching a video or whatever, probably not attending to his surroundings, when out of nowhere some other person is suddenly right in front of his face confronting him, waving his hands around. Since your description of the hand gesture is "what the fuck"--- a pretty hostile thing to communicate to a stranger by any method--- wouldn't you say there is a possibility that it was interpreted as menacing?
Even if you do know better than to start a fight on public transit, this guy doesn't know you. People start fights for less. He's not reading your mind, to know you are thinking like sun tzu, and would therefor not attack from a position of weakness like the seat in front. People get stabbed on busses and trains for minor insults. Don't you think he could have just been cautious?
Or conversely, he knew himself to be potentially violent. Maybe he was trying to hold himself back from starting a fight and thought backing down was just the best strategy to exit the situation. I've known people who have control to a point and they sometimes do weird things to keep themselves from that point.
Ah. I see.
So did the team mate then respond in a manner such as
And then carry such a grudge as to later recount it and their dissatisfaction with the person even having made the error? Or the team mates acknowledged it and everyone moved on? Even if there was more teasing afterwards, you have to understand the context is that everyone who was playing a video game made a choice to do that with each other specifically, whereas this guy did not make a choice to be in a confrontation with you. You were just happening at him. And by your telling of the story, you were so mad thinking about "the old days" BS by the time you said something there basically was nothing he could have done to make you feel better. Don't you think there is a possibility your body language was communicating more than you are even able to describe here? Even exactly as described it sounds menacing. But don't you think he could have somehow gotten the feeling that you were mad at him as an avatar for all the problems and degeneration of the modern times?
You were a stranger of unknown intention and capacities. This man likely wanted you to leave him alone and go away. Even if you are correct and he did feel shame at being noticed for his rudeness, felt bad for interrupting your thoughts, and intended to concede to you a moral victory, he was probably also aware at the potential threat. Which, in a video game, is a non issue. That's one of the things about video games: they are fake.
I don't think it's wrong to make requests of people around you. You wanna ask people to be quiet, that's fine. But you need to learn how to do it in a peaceable way. Think of it as modeling the behavior you want to see. You want others to be quiet, unobtrusive and considerate, then you should be quiet, unobtrusive and considerate. You can still assert your needs and desires. Sometimes you will be accommodated and other times you won't be. If, as you say, the guy was completely apologetic because he knew what he had done was wrong, then you could have been really pleasant about it, no "wtf" hand gestures, and you would still have gotten what you wanted. You could have even said "thank you, I appreciate your consideration" and smiled and been happy about it. Would have been a totally different story to tell here in the thread. All under your control.