These kind of posts make me a little happy. I don't know exactly why but it does.
Having used Linux on for 25 years or so and now hearing about people who switch from Windows and really enjoying the experience warms my heart a little
These kind of posts make me a little happy. I don't know exactly why but it does.
Having used Linux on for 25 years or so and now hearing about people who switch from Windows and really enjoying the experience warms my heart a little
I'd still try to take the train. If you can get the bags to the taxi you should also be able to get them to the train and then possibly get a taxi/Uber/bolt from the station in Malmö to your final destination :)
Reading your comment warmed my heart this rainy Wednesday evening. Thank you
Pop_os and the kids are going to be in the office today.
I'm adding documentation about what I do in Joplin and I'm using Nextcloud to keep it synced.
For reverse proxy I use Nginx Proxy Manager for its simplicity. I really don't need anything more fancy..
Håller helt med. Väldigt trevlig och bra bok. Rekommenderas
Looks lovely both from a taste and plating perspective!
I think most religions are a little late on the ball. But any kind of willingness to change is a good thing. And a, what I interpret, statement against, what I interpret, as fundamentalism seems like a good idea.
Håller med om problem med ev. små defedererade öar som lever egna liv. Tror inte det är något problem med att grundarna av Lemmy skulle vara kommunister. De måste ju ha någon form av politisk inställning (officiellt uttryckt eller inte) Problemet är väl som med alla digitala plattformar att "the long tail" kan få för mycket plats. Men det är ju inget specifikt för lemmy
Good luck with the exams!
It doesn't seem like normal behaviour, I don't think it is anything wrong with Ubuntu though. It is a fine distro all in all. If I get into problems when installing something it is often because I haven't found the "official" install method for that specific package. For Ubuntu that's normally an apt package or a snap. I find snaps a little harder to get to grips with since they are sandboxed and a bit more unfamiliar for a middle aged man as myself. But keep from googling for "how to install xyz" and always start from the official app store/apt install If you still get errors, do a fresh OS install and try again just to check if something went wrong during the setup
Just have one and see if you like it. If you're 23 then you are old enough to figure out for yourself if you like it or not. If you do like it it's fine, if you don't it's also fine. No pressure no worries :) And you'll likely just feel a small buzz of the drink :)