While that's true I was more pointing out the falsehood in the other commentor, and while most cars have batteries lets not pretend a batter the size of a cinder block is the same as one the size of a mattress.
Pretty sure they don't ship cars with gasoline in em, thats extra weight that doesnt need to be there let alone the fire hazard.
The electric cars on the otherhand most likely have the batteries built into the fucking frame.
Better than my initial read so... yeah.
Har har, what I meant was having a shaded overhead thing every couple of yards right along the actual walkway next to the water.
Assuming its mostly concrete having shading could help break up heat absorption and help reduce heat radiation.
Look up Dragon Ball Z chi chi rule 34, you should find the person who's style looks quite similair if not the actual artist. I aint sure though.
Edit: source is "funsexydragonball"
I think there should be some shading structures around the walkway.
Honestly its quute nice seeing old bastards like you giving us the summary of shit their in, im personally hoping this shit show will spell the end of "web 3" not with a bang but with the feds calling their dues.
Either that or the whole shitshow is atleast funny, I thrive on hate and there is nothing better for a hate filled asshole like me than watching rich fucks get bent over the table by the feds.
Pretty sure ive seen this style before...
Black lagoon and Morrowind.
Yeah I feel like the lagoon company would adapt way to easily to VVardenfell.
Become the greatest of threats the serial killer killer!
Step one: Run through woods with axe
Step two: Find someone unfazed by said action
Step three: Stalk them
Step four: Explain to forest services why you are infact not insane
Step five: Go to jail anyways
Step six: Get out if jail
Step seven: Repeat until change in results
In the defense of Bethesda. They didnt develop redfall simply published it, that fuck up is on arkane. As for 76 I honestly think that is its own weird little income generator, that is to say its a cash grab.
I will probably be buying starfield, but that has more to do with the fact I want to form my own opinions before reviewers get in on it.
Yeah sounds about right for the chinese, we should give mongolia nukes to see if china keeps making false claims afterwards.