I did a little skipping out today. It's a signal to my dog that we get moving along.
I reverted back to the old Google Assistant and now it can set alarms by voice command again.
It's absolutely ridiculous how they keep breaking what is working.
He had completely gotten the point but is afraid you'll do an irreversible mistake. He is clearly looking out for your best interest. Because he loves you.
It's a convertible that you can use as a tablet.
Others have already answered your questions, so I'll just drop in my anecdotal experience to moving over my desktop to Linux last year. I tried a few different distros but settled with Fedora KDE edition. It works with everything exotic in my laptop out of the box, except for the gyro that doesn't work with anybody else either. The desktop feels familiar and is easy to customize. I tried to like Gnome and variants but it is really settled on The Gnome Way of doing everything. Fedora is a fresh experience from previous attempts of going full Linux desktop with Ubuntu and even Mint. The GUI for software and package management is neat and includes native packages, flatpak both the fedora builds and mainline. Some minor things are not quite there but I believe that will be the Linux experience forever and I'm okay with it. I recommend to try it.
OP is cute thinking they be programming in the evenings after a full day of rafting.
OP. Just enjoy living outside of the computer. If you really must make a data memento, make the simplest possible recording device for your sensors. Then explore that data when you're back home. There will be plenty of time when there be no starlit skies and friends around a campfire.
Be honest. What did you say that offended Firefox so bad it decided to leave?
Makes oddly sense in the sounds of guinea pigs.
Flashback är Sveriges ända demokratiska sociala media.
Att det är Sveriges ända håller jag med om till fullo.
Ingenstans bajsas det ut så mycket spekulationer, skvaller, desinformation och otyglad rasism.
I've been craving something like this as an alternative to Trakt since their latest enshittification. Are there other alternatives? Do they share protocols and whatnot like lemmy, kbin, Mastodon etc?
It could also be conditioning and culture. A lot of American culture seems to be centered on the ego, the satisfaction of the ego and then a very fast escalation to anger and violence if the ego is perceived to be threatened.
I don't think it is realistic to wish it go away with the generation exposed to lead paint. And I doubt it is productive to make microplastics the new excuse.
Edit: As I saved, it came to mind how difficult it must be hearing all your life that you live in the greatest country ever, having national flags and the anthem and pledges of allegiance drilled into your being from a child. And then life is hard and society is fucked up and you're supposedly living in the best country in the world so how could you be in this miserable life? I think that might explain people being on the edge all the time and worn down from the stress and the guilt of not being successful and also how easily nonsense like somebody driving past you becomes a threat to the ego.