Burn Cycle! Thank you!
I've never really tried searching for the game names. This thread has been great!
Maybe I should set up an emulator and get some nostalgia flowing.
Burn Cycle! Thank you!
I've never really tried searching for the game names. This thread has been great!
Maybe I should set up an emulator and get some nostalgia flowing.
That's the one.
I mean, it was better made than the other games I had access to.
And yes, its Ninja Gaiden levels of difficult.
I should also note that the image linked is bit wrong, I was playing a CDi several years before the PS1 or N64 released.
So a comparison is better towards SNES and Genesis vs CDi.
Graphically it was superior to anything else I had played (SNES and Genesis were the two available at the time) but it definately lacked polish, even to 8 year old me. The real kicker is that everything about it just looked... Different from what was being pushed by Nintendo and Sega with their consoles.
I also had access to PCs which would play Wolfenstien3D, so I would say the game play was also somewhat superior, but the CDi lacked depth with the games. (Or I was too young to advance in them beyong the first levels due to difficulty)
I also just remembered that there was another game which was incredibly well made... And it was all 90s western cartoon styled about a knight trying to save a princess from a dragon.
My Mom was an artist for a small game developer in Bermuda (of all places...) In the 90s.
Not only did they have one of these in the office, which I would spend a lot of time at after school, but she had one at home as well. So I spent a formidable part of my childhood trying to learn CD-I games.
The two we had at home (I do not know their names and I've tried looking them up) were:
Photorealistic Ultraviolent Cyberpunk... It was like an FPS and Point and Click adventure at the same time. Lawnmower Man vibes.
Japanese Feudal Defence Simulator... Another FPS where you would defend a castle from waves of approaching samurai with a Bow.
The controller was a wackadoodle Trackball design and honestly a pain in the ass to use, but superior to my NES which I had (as my only comparison).
We never bought more games as... Well... They weren't sold on the island.
Edit: I've also played the Zelda game at the office, but honestly it was like they tried to make a Mario game using Zelda, and as stated below: it was awful.
Its so much easier to have strangers on the internet do it for free.