My main account over there isn't that old, but I've been using the site off/on for probably at least that long. I mainly was a reader/lurker over there for years as I didn't really feel like posting as at the time almost everything I posted got downvoted for some reason. Then over time as I got older I cared less about that and started posting more. Last I checked I think my karma was 100,000-something.
IMO, the fact that there's no desktop version (AFAIK) and they made it so difficult to discover new content, pages/people. etc., & how many of the users are probably just Instagram users who had accounts auto-added & have no interest in Threads, are the main reasons for the decline.
"Why do you want to work here?"
Uh, I don't, but this stupid thing called not dying requires me to have money and you're offering to pay me money for doing a job you need doing.
By and large the only businesses who say, “Nobody wants to work anymore,” are places that don’t pay enough.
Yep, pretty much. Funny, you don't hear about this being a problem for jobs paying $100,000+. Weird, that.
Yes because that's beneficial to society and definitely not solely for the purpose of making the company and their executives richer.
Streaming services over here going all Anakin to our Obi-Wan.