this post was submitted on 19 Dec 2023
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Im going to preface with saying that I think TotK is a good game. I put over 100 hours into and really enjoyed my time with it. I likely will not return to it, or BotW, but that's just me. Mainly because there are too many other great games in the world to spend my limited time on this planet with.
But even thought I like it, I can be critical of it. Maybe because its everybody's new baby and no one wants to criticize a cute helpless baby. But once that baby has aged into a teenager, then the criticizing can come out. What Im saying is I get peoples reluctance to criticize Totk so soon and i bet as it ages, people will have more to say. So being critical isn't a bad thing even this early on. Its not the perfect game and the Zelda team can definitely improve in future iterations. If anything I still see TotK a stepping stone to something bigger down the line.