Easily the best romance show (and biggest dark horse) of the season for me.
The very minor flaws were eclipsed by the story that kept me hooked throughout, as well as characters whom I can root for.
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Easily the best romance show (and biggest dark horse) of the season for me.
The very minor flaws were eclipsed by the story that kept me hooked throughout, as well as characters whom I can root for.
I started watching Cherry Magic on a whim and I wasn't really expecting much, but wow it completely blew me away! It didn't suffer from a lot of the frustrating romance clichés and I actually think I like this subgenre of romance.
I can't really think of any other shows that are similar. Maybe "Netjuu no Susume" is similar but nothing else comes to mind.
I've added the manga to my library since it seems like it's still ongoing. It's possible that they intentionally scripted the anime to have a nice ending without loose ends since it's unlikely to get a season 2, but I actually like that. The anime is a nice self-contained story that I think anyone who likes romance shows can enjoy.
Also when I was picking a screenshot, I came to my senses and realised that the one I originally picked was a huge spoiler lol. Good thing I realised before posting.