How is it that such proposals can just be admited again and again?
They should really just have it be banned on a judical level so legislature cannot be proposed. ... unless they ignore that too.
How is it that such proposals can just be admited again and again?
They should really just have it be banned on a judical level so legislature cannot be proposed. ... unless they ignore that too.
It is still the same proposal. :)
They already got the judical advice(?) stating this authoritarian bullshit goes against any and every constitution and human rights yet they still try to force this. So, yes, they do ignore that aswell as any common sense.
Oh that is terrible. Why is pushing for legislation that violates this in no way punished?
Ugh, I mean, I know why, but it's still sad.
Who is pushing for this? Is there any real chance that this will get adopted? I see a lot of scare articles, but this can either be some pearl-clutching circlejerk with marginal support and no hope of passing or something truly dangerous.
I only got a german source at hand atm (I'll check for another one in english later).
The map included in this article shows the current stance of each EU member.
Map legend translated: This is how the EU states stand on chat control: red for, green against, yellow still examines, white still unclear/no position.
Das ist okay, ich kann Deutsch lesen. Aber WTF.
Cool, dann spare ich mir die Arbeit Ü
Und ja ... WTF in der Tat.
This again? Can this just die already?
Not even again, still the same. :)