I nearly missed seeing the guy standing on the wing. That is a large sculpture.
Mildly Interesting
This is for strictly mildly interesting material. If it's too interesting, it doesn't belong. If it's not interesting, it doesn't belong.
This is obviously an objective criteria, so the mods are always right. Or maybe mildly right? Ahh.. what do we know?
Just post some stuff and don't spam.
Oh damn, thanks for pointing that out!
I was going to mention the guy, but I thought it was too obvious and people would say they could see him already.
But it's upside down. Somebody.....flip the bird.
I'll see myself out.
Sometimes cheep jokes are necessary.
It had to be done.
It's based on Mythology. This place is known as where the 'Jatayu', died.
Just flip the bird, man.
Completed in 2018 according to that Wikipedia link if anyone else was wondering.
By aliens?
How else could it be created without slave labour?
By paying workers?
The fuck you say??? Get out and come back when you've developed some true appreciation for capitalism!
According to history channel / national geographic channel, probably.
I'm sure that guy with the stupid hair has a "theory" about it.
It just got its nails done and it's shocked at how pretty they look
That's pretty damn awesome.
This is actually incredible.
This isn't just mildly interesting
I’d have to yell CAAAWWWWWWWWW
It looks like it was carved from wood but it's gotta be rock, right?
It is. Actually the entire 'hill' is a big rock.
One of the sacred beasts from BOTW?
They cheated giving it outstretched wings. I'd like to know what the largest bird statue with folded wings in the world is.
I'd like to know that too, but I'm not sure how giving it outstretched wings is cheating. It's something birds do.
It's not really important either way. This is still not the world's largest statue of a sparrow, which is a record most people would care about.
Is this where the term "spread eagle" comes from?
Super Mario Sunshine vibes
Instagrammers for no reason at all: I've always wanted to go to India.
So much giant statues in India... Are they compensating something?
This one is different from the recent giant statues built. This is more of a tourist place, not related to any political party.
Most of the world's giant statues were made in NK. I wonder about this one.
Omg. Rub his belly!
I've been playing Dragon's Dogma 2 too much, I have the sudden urge to jump onto it and mash the triangle button.
Is there an antenna on its head?
I think it's probably a lightning rod.
“I said hold it still!”
“Dad it’s a hawk how am I supposed to hold it still?”
“Use this stick I dunno. Just hold it for a minute while I sculpt it”
the sculpture:
I swear, if someone made some kind of science fiction themed video game or cartoon (why not both?), a live version of this bird needs to be part of it, it's this good.