
joined 2 years ago
[–] 0 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

Dude made some edgy youtube vids 8 years ago. Haven't touched the topic since. Therefore he's a nazi sympathizer?

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Couldn't watch the last season of The Boys. It got so repetitive and on the nose. It introduced this super smart character but threated their audience as idiots.

The subliminal messaging in the earlier season was good as they actually treated the viewer with respect. The show just became lame. Should have ended it after season 2 imo.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Before I donate. How do I know the money is actually spent as proposed? I don't know anything about the site or who raises the money.

European btw.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I'm curious if the pro bono porn increased the traffic for the monetizes subreddits. So this might lead to a gross loss instead of pure savings from the server costs.

Anyhow. R/all is among the worse places on the internet. It can get fucked.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago


Can you name any down sides?

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

As funny as the clips are. The voice got old after 12 seconds.

[–] 17 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Its not a topic in this thread.

its not a topic in this thread.

[–] -5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

So the agreement is shit. But its doesnt matter?

High IQ move to suggest no action is the best action.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

This post i fuel for the supporters. Its a post with lies getting boosted with upvotes.

If so obvious lies are allowed to surface, then what others are too? Posts like these are just damaging to the cause.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Im planning on upgrading my old TV soon. But a new one will not be connected to the internet during its lifetime. All useful services are available on more powerful and more intuitive devices anyway.

AI on TV is hopefully just the new 3d. Gone soon.


I'm looking for some new ear buds for running and other purposes, but finding anything suited for a mediocre active lifestyle seems hard.

Now I have a pair of Sennheiser sport true wireless. What works is the audio quality and reliable charging. What doesn't work is the very clunky charging case, and any trace of rain will adjust the volume, change the song or pause the track. A stable 3/5 product. Wearing a hood just amplifies the problem as a tiny amount of moisture will interfere.

I'm not trusting Sennheiser for a new pair right now as their Momentum True Wireless 3 buds had a faulty charging tech. Both me and my partner had to send them in and receive new ones. Bad for us, bad for the environment.

Any recommendations for a pair with a nice balanced sound quality, good case, and reliable controls in all conditions?


I think om going insane. When you carry it by the handle it's so long that it may scratch the ground, but the handles are too short to cary it properly over your shoulder. What's going on? How are they so popular?


Saw The Zone of interest yesterday.


Kraftig løft for Forsvaret vårt. Nye fartøyer, luftvern, styrking av landforsvaret. Dette blir et kraftig løft i alle domener.


Det første tiltaket er offentliggjort i den nye forsvarssatsningen.


Fantastiske stunt. Gode praktiske effekter. Memorable sett og scener. Ikke for å glemme det fengende tema-sangen.

Filmene respekterer tiden til seerne og de tar ikke seg selv for seriøst.

Det gjelder selvfølgelig kun filmene fra 1969-1984. Alt etter er en ettertanke.

Riktignok er de inspirert av en dansk filmserie, men den norske adopsjonen er av god kvalitet som holder seg godt.

Overbevis meg om noe annet.


Her er en liten kalender til byrådet i Oslo for alle de religiøse høytidene de nå kan markere siden de først er i gang.


Mondelez driver fortsatt næringsvirksomhet i Russland. Siden fullskala-invasjonen av Ukraina har selskapet kun evaluert situasjonen.

Minner om at Freia i forlengelse av Mondelez har økonomiske interesser i invasjonen av Ukraina.

Det er fortsatt mulig å velge norsk sjokolade på butikken. Spesielt nå som påsken kommer og folkets favoritt tursjokolade selges latterlig billig.


Statssekretær Elisabeth Sæther (Ap) hinter til at dette ikke er aktuelt fordi vi ikke har kunnskap om emnet. Siden vi ikke har kunnskap kan vi ikke få kunnskap heller.


Why not Chief in command or Commander of chiefs or similar?

The sentence basically means Commander in biggest or Commander in most important. It's a strange structure.

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