
joined 1 year ago
[–] 63 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

Willkommen im Untergrund!

[–] 8 points 1 day ago

That is HUUUGE. Handcrafting UI for these small OLED with e.g. U8glib (now U8G2) was always very fiddly. That tool looks promising.

[–] 53 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Die Staatsanwaltschaft machte T. das Angebot, ein Schuldgeständnis abzulegen und dafür ohne weitere Verhandlung 14 Jahre Haft zu akzeptieren. Darauf ließ sich T. aber nicht ein und gab stattdessen eine sechsseitige Erklärung mit deutlicher Kritik an Ungarn ab:

"Es ist ein Staat, der ganz offen Menschen wegen ihrer Sexualität oder ihrem Geschlecht ausgrenzt und separiert. Ich bin angeklagt von einem europäischen Staat, weil ich Antifaschist*in bin."

So crazy dass wir unsere Staatsbürgerin an Ungarn ausgeliefert haben. Schickt sie doch gleich in den Kreml. Viktor Orban wird sie wie einen Bären an einer Nasenkette durch die Manege führen. Wie der Handlanger der er ist.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

Four Pests campaign

The Four Evils campaign was one of the first campaigns of the Great Leap Forward in Maoist China from 1958 to 1962. Authorities targeted four "pests" for elimination: rats, flies, mosquitoes, and sparrows. The extermination of sparrows resulted in severe ecological imbalance, and was one of the causes of the Great Chinese Famine which lasted from 1959 to 1961, with an estimated death toll due to starvation that ranges in the tens of millions (15 to 55 million).

Not the first time an unhinged leader thought he knew better and pushed the whole country in famine.

[–] 6 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Nudeln kann man essen warm, Nudeln kann man essen kalt

[–] 96 points 4 days ago (24 children)

Do not listen to him! Europe! Come to Europe! Great Benefits, long holidays and you can travel between multiple countries and temperature-zones. When staying in canada, you can only travel back to the US or take a plane to cross either one of the two biggest oceans to get anywhere. In Europe you can spend a decade without running out of places to go. Also: We love your brain. Please come to Europe!

[–] 4 points 6 days ago

Did you tip infinite?

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Interesting Maps. In OP's PDF Link is also a map of the middle east (it is as you expected it). The weird one I found was South Korea. It is a Democracy and pretty modern, but still pretty low values.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Manjaro was my "throwing into the water"-distro and it worked very well getting me swimming. YMMV.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Nein. Du kannst gerne bei google images mal "windows vista official wallpaper" eingeben und danach "windows 7 official wallpaper". Woran machst du fest dass es Vista sein soll?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Bootlicker Mindset



It was crazy hard to find a rule that actually worked to remove any videos - so I thought I might share it with others here. There are so many old or broken Reddit and SuperUser "solutions" in the web that just do not work (anymore?).

Here is a simple rule (yet heavy on rendering time) you can add to your filterlist if you want to block videos containing a trigger word:

e.g: for me "Trump"

Thought that might help someone else who might be searching for this in the future.

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