Not quite. An upvote on Lemmy is a favorite on mastodon. However, all posts on Lemmy look like they are a "boost" by the community when viewing from mastodon.
Love that you are continuing boost for Lemmy! Great work
181/144 Mbps. Over WiFi.
Good stuff! Thanks for all that you guys do for Lemmy and the open internet
Doing good! Really happy with where I'm at in life currently.
I don't go out of my way to get news, so social media/Lemmy. Except for local news, which I do follow more closely. But that's it.
I have never used amazon, much less paid for a subscription service for the pleasure of using it. I was hoping that the author atleast stopped using amazon alltogether. Ah well. Little victories I guess.
Not at all. We actually block the offending instance.
There's a way to embed a map in the article itself. See page for information on how to do that.
Otherwise I am unaware of a tool that allows for a PNG or SVG export or OSM data.
(Direct link: )
I know they had a word block list but I'm unsure if it's still around.
I don't think we needed scientists for this one haha