It’s why they could not win “The War on Drugs”.
Quick! Over to Mexico!
LibreOffice works on MacOS too!
What could go wrong?!
It’s hard for people who haven’t experienced the loss of experts to understand. Not a programmer but I worked in aerospace engineering for 35 years. The drive to transfer value to execs and other stakeholders by reducing the cost of those who literally make that value always ends costing more.
I made the switch too! I bought a MacBook! After 40 years of MS OSes, Outlook-online and Windows 11 made me quit. And so far so good!
I can’t help think that Chimp and The Villionaires are quashing the competition so that only they and their ~~groupies~~ cronies will have access to life and health extending treatments, that they will sell to the highest bidders.
But if hackers steal all the secrets, Chump won’t be able to use them to make deals!!
Tariffs cause lower supply and higher prices? WhooDa-thunkit?!
FYI: I started using Thunder app on iPhone 14 Pro with latest IOS 18 a week ago after “graphical issues” with MLem app. I’m having no issues.
It doesn’t matter. If the CD/DVD works, copy it immediately. If not, so sorry.