Is there more than one Kataramari game for the Switch? Because while all Katamari games are an interesting experience due to how fucking whack they are lol, the Katamari Reroll didn't live up to my expectations. My favorite is "We love Katamari".
Yeah! What always impressed me so much is that the artstyle is very simple, and looks to be done in Paint or something lol, he's got such imagination when it comes to the world he's presenting as well as having a eye for how to animate motion that is just becomes epic!
Watched this a while back and it's so cute and wholesome lol, thanks for reminding me this exists!
När jag var ett barn var jag ganska ängslig och rädd om nätterna, men min tonåriga storebror brukade ibland röta runt i köket på nätterna och då kändes det tryggt. Det har hängt kvar tills nu när jag är vuxen inser jag. Älskar att sova när det sitter folk runt om kring mig och pratar, även om de är högljudda. Och om det är folk ute på gatan som festar tycker jag det är lika mysigt det med!
Älskar det! Tillsammans marcherar vi utför stupet i solidaritet! Eh, hmm. Wait a minute.
That's pretty awesome of him to actually admit he was in the wrong and apologize instead of doubling down.
It's pretty! Getting cliffs of Dover vibes.
For real. I wouldn't be surprised if it in minuscule writing on the post-it says: "Hitler didn't do anything wrong"
I don't know what the worse war crime here is. Bagging the soda, or actually drinking Dr. Pepper. Do people actually enjoy that stuff?
WAIT. Spez was a mod on fucking r/jailbait???? WHAT????
Yeah, 196 is on here, but a lot of people also swarmed to Discord, Raddle and another Lemmy server. So we all kind of split. Didn't know Ukraine was on here! Thanks, I'll check it out :)
Oooh that's so cool! Definitely buying it :D