Make fascism an occupational hazard again
Let's just make a new text standard, call it "tinychar" or something. You don't need any personal notes when it's a known concept
We should all make up our personal character systems so we won't have to worry about this situation /s
I agree, but it's also not surprising. I think somebody else posted the article about kenyan Facebook moderators in this comment section somewhere if you want to know more
Interesting fact: many bigger Lemmy instances are already using AI systems to filter out dangerous content in pictures before they even get uploaded.
Context: Last year there was a big spam attack of CSAM and gore on multiple instances. Some had to shut down temporarily because they couldn't keep up with moderation. I don't remember the name of the tool, but some people made a program that uses AI to try and recognize these types of images and filter them out. This heavily reduced the amount of moderation needed during these attacks.
Early AI moderation systems are actually something more platforms should use. Human moderators, even paid ones, shouldn't need to go though large amounts of violent content every day. Moderators at Facebook have been arguing these points for a while now, many of which have gotten mental issues though their work and don't get any medical support. So no matter what you think of AI and if it's moral, this is actually one of the few good applications in my opinion
Also, 1024 characters assumes you are just using ASCII, which has a bunch of control codes and characters of other languages you won't use. If you trim these and remove uppercase letters you could probably make your own custom letter set that fits 2 characters in a byte, doubling your information to make it 2048 chars
Yes, but these are probably also an extend/criminal law implementation of this constitutional law. Also you would still break the law, even if you couldn't get punished for it. Something you don't want to host on german servers.
To contextualize my original comment a bit more and explain how these things work over here: you can already get sued for just insulting somebody. I remember a case a few years ago where somebody called a right wing politician a "Hurensohn" (son of a whore) and got his house raided by police. Getting sued (especially by politicians) for insults isn't unlikely in germany. The platform hosting that content can also get in trouble for it. OP apparently talked about a politician, who could try and sue in Germany. Since OP is probably not from there, the server owners will get in trouble instead. All that to say: this form of moderation is legally necessary in Germany. You can dislike this and I agree with you, but it's not something that's going to change. It doesn't mean that the mods are supporting fascism, as so many are seemingly claiming. is a rather left instance (in Germany we'd say "linksgrün versifft") and they are definitely not trying to shield nazis, they just try to follow the local law to prevent getting sued
Try to get to know her. Ask follow up questions to show you're actually listening. Tell her you are interested in another date afterwards. Stuff like that, even if it sounds generic
I did. That's the first article of the Grundgesetz (Basic Law) of Germany
Not that directly, but saying they have "zero worth" might be against GG Article 1
Human dignity is inviolable
Pretty sure dehumanizing can be prosecuted under this, even if its rather tame. Also there have been some laws over the last few years that criminalize violent speech on the internet and that give people the ability to report comments directly to agencies. These might make it quite dangerous for the instance to keep up these comments.
I assure you, German leftist often say way more intense stuff on a daily basis, but not on publicly hosted servers
I feel like flirting isn't really something people do while dating nowadays. I (and probably some other women) find it more annoying if you wanna get to know the other person. Most flirting I like is after you're already in a relationship, because you can be sure that the other person is safe and not a creep. Of course you still need to find a way to show interest
It also doesn't specify how often/quick you can do it, so you could still move at breakneck speeds, 7 inches at a time