And like the original he's also taking drugs (although Adolf didn't have Ketamine).
Or supposedly received 9.223.372.036.854.775.807 dollars (64-bit max int).
Less of a generational problem, more of an educational one. Selfish, badly educated grifters that got pushed into high offices can be of any age. Musk also didn't recognize SQL when he looked at it, which is arguably even more funny.
No money --> No ability to buy food --> Staying slim
Yeah, makes sense to me.
How did the glue spaghetti taste?
That's a really bad argument given one of those chambers is literally run by, and full of, nazis.
Without distros there would be no Linux desktop ecosystem to begin with. Also who's to say what true value is?
Every distro comes with people who don't just maintain their own stuff, but contribute to the whole ecosystem. It doesn't need to be a Debian or Arch to be worth something.
So again, please don't start bickering about what's most important. It all got its place, and someone calling for donations for good thing A does not undermine good thing B. All good things need attention.
The Devil just said this since he could see Elon not having a soul to begin with.
If Elon can deadname his own child we can deadname his indeed very dead platform.
Both deserve our attention and donations, please don't try to divert people from one important FOSS project to another.
So basically like in… Trump voice …"CHEINA!"
Please elaborate.