I vaguely recall a certain whisky-producing region having some sort of referendum at one point. Must have dreamt it, sorry.
Just to underline what this comment is saying: this type of breakthrough was the wet dream of WW1. The race to the sea, where the western front was established, was based on finding a flank and turning it. That was the objective of most warfare up to that point, and it ended because they ran out of ground on which to turn a flank. Then they couldn't meaningfully break through the defenses (or layers of, to be more accurate), like we see Ukraine doing in Kursk. If they turn the flank, they'll have routing russians for days, and have achieved maneuver warfare again.
It wouldn't surprise one bit me to see Ukrainian veterans training westerners on their own weapon systems when this shit is over. Their experiences will be irreplaceable.
One industry that is really suited for CC is steel production. Making steel from iron is basically removing the carbon from the iron ore, and that has been done since the 1800s by introducing oxygen to the molten iron. This creates a pillar of carbon dioxide from a very localized point and should, if the technology existed and was used, be easy to capture. The Swedish steel manufacturer SSAB accounts for 11% of the national Swedish emissions, and 10% of Finland's. It's not negligible. And steel is used every day, everywhere, and for everything. Every other metal pales in comparison. It's a gigantic industry. And it's perfect for carbon capture.
Well, you're not exactly contributing to a world where that insecurity is eliminated. And besides, you'll never win an emotional debate with rational arguments.
Found the sandwich speaker.
One thing about motorcycling is that you tend to end up where you look, and a lot of people crash into oncoming traffic in corners because the focus on the oncoming car and not on getting around the corner.
I get the feeling that this guy tried to veer, and then refocued with all his attention on the truck that was getting closer and closer, and that made it quite impossible for him to evade. He could have saved it by doing a million things, but large and threatening objects that are approaching usually demand our attention. Silly, primeval behavior.
And if he manages to get one off the line, it'll go for 20 meters and then break down due to bearings and bushings being fouled.
It is a factory belonging to SKF, a swedish company that produces bearings. Famous for supplying bearings for use in tanks by almost every major power during ww2, and supply to the german side was finally cut off when SKF told the allies that the entire stock was for sale to anyone who paid. I believe the last payment was made by the US 10-15 years ago, finally settling the debt.
Since the war, SKF has grown into a very large supplier of the highest quality bearings, and saying its a factory making parts for weapons is a bit narrow. Bearings are used in most things that have rotating parts, and SKF is large in a lot of markets that aren't weapons. Their product catalogue is well over a thousand pages, for example.
He doesn't enunciate or articulate when speaking, which makes it hard to understand him clearly when he's on camera. I think it should be easier in person, but as a non-english speaker it was pretty hard to understand him at times, as he muddies his words. I guess that could perhaps make it easier to think he's a bit sketchy. I got the feeling he tries to do right though, but I'm no expert.
Press the X? Gotcha! I'll remove shorts for 30 days or until you come back without cookies in 10 minutes.
I dressed up blackface once... I was eight or nine, and the whole family was dressing up as the star trek voyager crew, since that was airing at the time and we were huge trekkies. I got to be the coolest of the characters - Tuvok. I got to dress in black clothes with yellow shoulders, a spatula as a phaser and the tv-remote for a tricoder, and my dad put band-aids on my ears and darkened me with some shoe polish. I felt awesome. I was so cool. I got to do all the lines and be all vulcan and logical. Later, I understood it might've not been the most tasteful...