Oh shit that was real? I thought it was photoshop...
I had issues with the video player as well. I solved it by clearing my cache for the app.
Never experienced your other issue though.
Damn that sucks. I've made my fair share of bad ones for sure.
We made a Skittles seltzer once. It was down right horrible. Undrinkable, used too many Skittles and didn't use any sort of muslin bag or anything thinking it'll all just dissolve. It was chunky and unbearablely sweet. Had to pour it all down the drain.
The last one we made though was awesome. Made a west coast and used Belgian yeast. It was so good my roommate drank all of it. I only had a few beers. Didn't last a fucking week.
We are gonna brew a lager this weekend.
I'm not exactly proud of it, but dude ChaGPT can make some pretty good recipes.
What kind of setup do you have?
I brew beer with a friend.
Started with a simple kettle, bucket, and malt extract.
Now we both have a kegging system and an all-in-one all-grain system that we are going to upgrade to make larger batches.
We are also bringing on a friend who has two stainless steel unitanks with a glycol chiller.
We have intentions of opening a nano brewery, but that's much further down the line. Mainly cuz it's so damn expensive.
That's a 200 sqft studio with no kitchen in Manhattan.
Shit my rent is 2400 and that's considered a steal for the place I live.
I did as well. I mean I thought it was fairly good. Not as good as the first that's for sure. I wish some of the cast was different, but it would've given everything away fairly quickly.
Dude you don't even know the difference between a producer and a label.
This argument makes me so mad because you obviously have zero idea how any of it works. The only thing you had right was that it's a competitive and saturated market.
Artists didnt "figure out" touring pays the bills. That is the only way a performing artist can pay the bills. Artists who you would think "oh they made it, and are now setup for life" is just not true. The only ones that are like that are mega ultra pop/rock stars.
I can go on for days but honestly I don't have the bandwidth. Merry Christmas and happy holidays my guy.
Eh I played when the OG Mortal Kombat came out all the time at the local pizza place when I was like 9, and I turned out fine. I've only murdered a handful of people so far. It's not like I became a cop or anything like that.
It's not that I can't do these things alone. It's that I'd rather have someone there with me.
Probably because it is, they don't like you, or they don't want the job.
I'm not trying to be mean, but contractors will price it outrageously or say "this will be a big job" because they don't want the job, so you say no.
I mean I brew beer, and I've used AI to help with a few recipes because having to search through brewgr and the mirad of different recipes is time consuming, when ultimately to brew a beer has the same overarching ingredients and process.
Though I wouldn't solely rely on it and to advertise that using AI just feels like a gimmick.