This ignores the interdependence of humans with other species including plants. I still find your optimism unfounded. It also fails to address ocean acidification leading to a loss in oxygen production.
Can you back up your ‘common misconception’ statement? I must be commonly misconceived, because I thought when we reach +3, it cascades into +5 because of methane sinks below permafrost at which point the ocean acidifies and heats making it inhospitable for phytoplankton and oxygen production falls.
Just to play devils advocate, they do this to ‘stir the pot.’ Granted, Putin’s hand is up Trump’s ass to the shoulder.
I think it’s interesting* that as soon as everyone with a firsthand account of Nazis dies, Nazism comes roaring back. It’s as though there’s no generational memory in society.
*not to imply it’s good, it’s horrifying.
Like hacking the vote tallies?
The anti-Christ is already in power, and just as predicted, they don’t see him for what he is.
Where’s the other 80% going? It’s our tax dollars.
I knew that, I’m just wondering if it’s more of that same absolute loser energy.
How does DJT have standing in Brazil? What am I missing here?
It’s also a gigantic information harvesting ploy.