Good thing I'm not an American.
Overall I agree with you but I was more focused currency in regards to lending money.. not a lack of currency as a whole.
You don't have to go far back in history to find interest rates on lending money regarded as criminal behaviour.
A functioning government?
How did anyone do anything before currency was invented?
Your comment implies that what you describe is a requirement for a functioning society
It isn't.
Probably because they expect your military to start murdering them with zero regards to how it plays out within the next 4 years.
This is essentially what happened within Nazi Germany before World War 2
Personally I'd resort to sabotage. It's incredibly easy to fabricate explosives in today's world compared to the rest of history.
Hell, in America I'd imagine you could just buy explosives outright.
And what are you going to do about it?
You understand the guy driving the Abrams is also your neighbour right?
What the fuck is a correct protest? The only thing that matters is the results.
For a country that loves guns you sure don't fucking use em unless it involves a school or strip mall. A majority of your country is just complacent.
A protest in France looks very different than a protest in the states.. all I'm saying.
Protest in a way that has results?
Actually it's a fucking nightmare having your closest neighbour threaten your sovereignty on a daily basis.
It's even worse when half the population actually endorses the behaviour.
I don't hate Americans I'm just disappointed. I hope my children aren't going to die in a trench on the same field I farm