So I had the [removed] thing happen before on every sub but /r/conservative. IDGAF about the conservative one. /r/marchagainstnazis, I did say something that could be construed as advocating violence. I said something about Nazis staying visible so we know who to put against a brick wall after this is over. Vague...but yeah, I get it. Though I comment there regularly, without issue, until I call this out?
/r/law, they [remove]d me when I said " I would vote for her for POTUS in a heartbeat. But flyover country would never let a black woman be President; it'd undermine their dumbshit egos too much. Imagine Obama's presidency, but ALSO a woman...we'd have someone new and worse that Trump building an alt-alt-alt-right incel circlejerkoff cult, and rising to power by spouting memes and literally showing up to debates and such in unwashed sleepwear.
...and they'd win, because grandpa thinks they look like "good wholesome" (read as "white") boys (read as "males")."
Which was also [removed].
And I don't know what I said in /r/worldnews.
But okay. So you're saying it's a subreddit based shadowban? Who initiates that? And more importantly, why is it removed from my profile? Sure, remove it from your sub...but I should be able to reference my own words outside of a sub.
I've been there since 07. Since like 2022/3, they started getting weird and have permabanned me a few times (never happened before).
I created this account here after the last permaban, which I appealed along with the others...and somehow magically they gave me a sheepish apology and unbanned my account?! I'm kind of over it. But I'm still there. And there are certain communities there which aren't easily replicated here, like /r/phillywiki. But...I'm over Reddit for the most part. It's the people I'm not over...