That might be part of it, my filament is probably pretty wet. I'll try some other rolls of filament.
The part is just pretty small, I have the EW set to 0.45 mm withe 0.4 nozzle. But I will try turning it down further.
The rounding looks much more extreme than what I would expect or have seen on other printers I worked with (mostly Ultimakers).
It's a printer of my own design running marlin. I'm going to try disabling input shaping, but if I remember correctly the problem was already there before I ever enabled it.
Good point, see my edit
I'm guessing it's about documenting the assembly of safety-critical components. If some part of, let's say an airplane fails because a bolt comes loose, the manufacturer wants to have a paper trail attached to it to prove that this specific bolt was indeed torqued to the correct spec. Connecting the wrench to the network could make this documentation much easier.
You can try to disable software End-Stops with this gcode:
M211 S0
Be aware though, if you do that, there is nothing preventing your printer from trying to move beyond the hardware limits and possibly destroying itself. You can enable the end-stops again with:
M211 S1
It's called HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography. Your phone is taking three pictures: one at a medium exposure, one at a bit higher exposure and one at a bit lower exposure.
The higher exposed picture will have a blown-out sky, but more detail in the darker area, while the lower-exposed one will have a correctly exposed sky with the darker areas underexposed.
These pictures are then combined by taking the correctly exposed areas of each picture, i.e. the sky from the low-exposure picture and the shadows from the high-exposure one, giving you a single picture without over- or underexposed areas.
I don't know about OpenCamera, but you should be able to select the size of the exposure bracket, meaning how much higher or lower the different pictures are exposed.
Solvespace might be exactly what you're looking for. It is FOSS and works well for simple models. Some functionality is missing though, for example chamfers and fillets.
Alles trägt zum Klimawandel bei, die Frage ist nur wie viel. Ich fände eine einheitliche Kennzeichnung, wie groß die Auswirkung ist, sinnvoller - so ähnlich wie der Nutri-Score.
Das hätte eine tatsächliche Informations-Funktion statt dieser generellen Schuldzuweisung ("Alle Fleischesser sind böse"), die wahrscheinlich nur begrenzt effektiv wäre.
Those adapters should definitely be fine for 24 V. Running the fans off 19 V will probably work, but they will run at slightly slower RPM (probably not a big problem for a filter).
This is a 40x40 cube printed in vase mode:
The corners look pretty okay on that:
But I don't see these kind of results on real-world parts. I guess I have to print some more test parts to narrow down the problem.